left behind and forgotten

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Left behind
And forgotten
My mind is rotten

Watch them go and play their games
But I can never stay the same

Left behind
And forgotten
My mind is rotting

Countless thoughts have passed me by
They ignored every warning sign
The many times
I have died.

Left behind
And forgotten
Though the summer leaves
Have stood by strong

I can't catch the past,
The sand from the hourglass
I'm left behind

Left behind and forgotten
Like the movements of the trees, I am slow
Left behind in their hurry
Like the movements of the trees, I am slowly
Growing up

Left behind and forgotten
Like the lipgloss in the back of an old jewelry box
I'm left behind and forgotten
'Cause they'd rather exclude me than have to wait

I'm wired a little different, true
I see things differently to you
I perceive things, do things you can't do
They don't like me because I'm not one of you

Left behind and forgotten
Like the words from the mute, I am unheard
Left behind and forgotten
Like an old man's dog, I'm not unhurt

Left behind and forgotten
Sat at the edge of the lake
Left behind and forgotten
I'm forever their mistake

Left behind
And forgotten
Oh my mind
How it has rotten

Left behind
Left behind for no reason
Other than they forgot.

It should be fine,
They forgot

It's everytime,
They forgot.

Left behind
Like a black rose
I must mean death

Left behind
I'm as unnoticeable
Their breath.

I'm left behind and forgotten
They have lied, my mind is rotten
And I have died, but I will survive
'Cause to myself, I may be lost
But I'm not forgotten.

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