Chapter 2

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Mew clenched his jaw as he looked at the pictures of the victims.

"He doesn't waste time between victims Mew" said Chief Golf breaking the silence. Mew looked up at him, he had been called in earlier on his day off. They had a serial killer on their hands.

"And we're sure its not a copy cat?" Anyone could've read the detail of the Black Rose, ever since that journalist plastered it all over the news paper. The media like always lending its fucking helping hand.

"Yes, we kept a very crucial clue under wraps only a select few know about it" he sighed " it's also what confirmed this is the same killer, the detail is so small I'm surprised anyone caught it" he finished with a chuckle.

The tone caught Mew's attention. "Why? What is it?"

The chief stood up and threw a picture in front of him. "Look for yourself"

Mew looked at the image and nothing popped out at him at all. Seeing his confusion the Chief added 2 more photos to the pile. Then he saw it.

"The dots?What the actual fuck? Who could possibly catch that shit? " If it wasn't because he was already staring at a close up of the nape,he wouldn't even have noticed!

"Crazy right? That's Kanawut for you, it's why they call him the Robotic psycho " Mew arched a brow at the statement.

"Robotic Psycho?" He questioned. The Chief took a sit and nodded. " Gulf Kanawut, he's one of the top medical examiners due to his incredible attention to detail, he saw the dot on the first victim,he caught the same pattern in each of the other 2"

"Well fuck" Mew pushed the pictures back into the folder. "But why the psycho?"

" He's cold as stone, no matter how bad the crime scene is he doesn't flinch, he goes in studies everything even when it's a mangled mess, that boy has skills but what he has in skills he lacks in emotion"

"He's also now part of the team in this investigation so you two will be working together closely " he stated as he stood by the window.

Wonderful. I have a serial killer on my hands and have to deal with a block of ice to solve it. Just peachy.

The Chief noticing the scowl beginning to form on Mews face cleared his throat pulling Mew back in from his thoughts. "He's not so bad he has friends so that means he's normal , at least somewhat" Mew rolled his eyes at that.

He stood up and said his goodbyes. As he left the office he thought about the pictures of the crime scene. Why the Black Rose? What do the victims have in common? He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't even see Zee coming his way.

"Why the long face Suppasit? Still can't get laid" teased Zee

"Fuck off Pruk! I have a lot on my plate I have to go meet a psychotic medical examiner I don't have time for this" he rushed passed him

" Ah! The legendary Kanawut I assume" Zee called after him with a smirk. Mew stopped and looked at him " You know him?"

"Everyone knows about him not only is he super smart, and a robot, he is also very, very good looking Suppasit" he chuckled " maybe you will get laid after all"

Mew rolled his eyes at him. " Not everyone needs to fuck every 5 minutes like you Pruk! I'm fine alone, you worry about your dick and I'll take care of my own" He grumbled as he walked off

He reached the medical examiners department, he didn't know if it was because of Pruk's comment or because he really needed to get laid but now he was looking forward to laying eyes on the Ice Beauty.

He caught the glances he kept getting as he walked around the department to Kanawut's office, chuckling he thought, sorry ladies not interested at all. He reached the office and took a deep breath pushing the pain from his throbbing headache to the back of his mind. Let's meet this Ice Beauty.

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