Chapter 69

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Mew and Gulf had arrived at the third victims house. The hope Gulf had felt about finding a clue that could point them in the right direction was beginning to fade quickly. The majority of the previous victims' things had already been packed and whatever was available to them, which had taken them quite a few hours to look through, did not give them anything they could use. It didn't lead them in the right direction nor proved any of the theories Gulf had about the killer.

"You take the bedroom I'll take the living room" Mew said to Gulf. He nodded and took a mental note of the surroundings as he walked through the apartment to where the victim's room was.

He walked in slowly, they had already taken
note than none of the places they had gone to visit looked broken into, not even the slightest sight of forced entry, so maybe Gulf was wrong after all and the clothes weren't theirs to begin with.

He stepped into the room flipping the light switch and looked around. The bed had a red silk bedcover that made it look like liquid under the bedroom lights, her room was clean and organized, just like the rest of her house. She had a variety of make up and face creams in her vanity.

On the side she had a beautiful, jade colored, jewelry box, he opened it carefully and took a photo before moving anything. He walked over to the closet and turned on the light, to his surprise and delight her clothes were organized by color. Before touching anything, he made sure to check the hamper, the only thing in there was her pj's which meant most likely she had done laundry and everything she owned was hanging.

He began to skim the wardrobe carefully with his gloved hands, he reached the burgundy, reddish side and noticed an empty hanger. He took a picture, whatever she was wearing before being abducted was definitely matching the earrings she was found in, he continued and found a clip hanger, most likely for pants or a skirt, empty as well, he took a picture.

He glanced down before continuing and noticed a space in between the shoes, but it was close to where all the closed toe shoes were, he looked to the other side and noticed the shoes seemed to have a larger gap in between them , like an empty space had been hidden. He took the photo he had taken of what she was wearing at the scene, the pastel green strappy shoes would complete the awkwardly spaced side.

He looked back at the green side of the clothing rack, but no hanger was there. Could the killer have taken it so she wouldn't notice it was gone? Just like how the shoes seemed to be spaced weirdly to hide the missing shoes. Was he reaching at nothing?

He stepped out of the closet frustrated, he felt like nothing he had found was concrete. He glanced around the room and his eyes fell on the wall where her door was, he had his back to it the whole time but now he realized it was beautifully decorated.

She had the wall filled with photographs that linked together through the painted vines and blooming flowers on the wall, he took a step closer examining the pictures, could any of the people on here be the killer? He turned away until he caught a glimpse of something on one of the pictures, he walked towards it. There she was smiling widely at the camera holding on to two other girls, wearing the green dress and strappy heels.

He took a picture of it and then pulled the photograph off the wall. It was the exact same dress she was found in, so he was right, the killer was dressing them in their own clothes.
He looked around the room, that meant he had been here. How meticulous was this person that he had made it seem like he had never been stepped foot into the place,how did he get in without leaving a trace, did she let him in willingly? Why? He began searching the room more thoroughly trying to find anything that could help

He looked under the bed just in case but it was spotless like the rest of the room. As he was getting up his hand grazed a hard surface on the side of the bed hidden by the sheets. He picked up the sheets to see what it was and found that tucked in between the mattress and the bed frame was a journal.

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