Chapter 46

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Gulf felt like everything was a blur. He didn't even realize where he was until he heard Mild.

"Gulf!" He rushed over to him when he saw they were heading into the interrogation room. The detective who had been eyeing Gulf suspiciously the whole time stepped forward and stopped Mild. " You can't speak to him, nor be involved in the investigation " he turned and opened the door for Gulf  "Get in".

Mild eyes widened " What the fuck are you talking about!!" He shouted causing everyone to look at them , he looked at Gulf in panic, he just shook his head. Mild bit his lip and walked away. Gulf went into the room and sat.

He couldn't feel anything. Jimmy's dead. He blinked. Jimmy. How did this happen, how did he go from years of not seeing someone to suddenly being berated by them and now accused of their death. He sat there numb. He knew how everything looked.

He and Jimmy had the problem at the bar. Gulf had left because his panic attack was consuming him rapidly he went straight home. Once he was home he cried until he passed out. Somewhere along the way his phone died. He slept for over 12 hours. No alibi, no GPS to give a location, no witnesses to him being home.

He laughed bitterly it was like it was perfectly set up. Like if fate had played him dirty and now that he had decided to not be so cold and distant, to try and be happy, it had shot it down like he didn't deserve it.

The door opened but Gulf didn't look up. What could he say. He really had no alibi, from other people's eyes he had a motive. Jimmy was dead. Why? Was it his fault? No. They said murder, someone murdered him. They thought he did it, they thought he was capable of killing.

"Gulf?" Mew's voice brought him back. He looked up only to find worry in his eyes. Funny the person who knew him the least was worried.

Mew saw the change. He had been watching Gulf from the double sided glass. He had seen him sit with a sad smile on his face and confusion in his eyes. Then he had seen his face shift from confusion, to understanding, to hurt , to worried, to bitterness and now his eyes stared back at him coldly. He had shut it all down.

"Gulf Kanawut I'm detective Mew Suppasit in charge of this case from here on out" he hated this he hated this a lot, Gulf just stared blankly back at him " can you tell me where you were, and who you were with for the last 24 hours."

"Went to a Bar. Then Home and been there ever since, alone" he said in a detached monotoned voice

"Can you tell me how you knew the victim, Jimmy Karn " he saw Gulf flinch slightly and he frowned, it hurt him to know Jimmy was dead, he couldn't have done this.

"He was my ex-boyfriend" he stated, poker face back in place, "we dated from high school till my freshmen year of college" Mew hated it.

"Did you guys end, in bad terms? Did you have any animosity towards Mr.Karn?" Gulf smiled bitterly. "No he dumped me because I bored him, and we just went our separate ways." Mew clenched his jaw. He knew people were watching on the other side of the glass he had to keep it together he couldn't loose this case or he wouldn't be able to help.

"So you don't resent him for ending things?" This was hard being the one invading his privacy like this, the worse part was knowing how much damaged Jimmy had actually caused from what he had read on his file.

"No, he was right, I was boring and depressed so I let him go. He didn't need to continue to be unhappy with me" Gulf looked straight at his eyes when he said it, was he warning me ? was he telling me I would be unhappy with him?

Mew's  hand instinctively moved to grab Gulf's but he was quicker and took both of his hands off  the table. Mew looked at Gulf searching for anything. His blank stare scared him, it was like he was giving up. Zee suddenly opened the door "Sorry I'm late" he murmured.
Zee knew the next part would be the hardest and he didn't want Gulf to hate his best friend.

"Mr.Kanawut" Gulf shifted his cold eyes to him and he felt a chill. "Before Saturday night when was the last time you had seen Mr.Karn?"

"Back in university, after he got expelled, I didn't see him again"

"Can you tell me why you fought with him Saturday night?" He felt Mew tense up beside him but ignored it, this was their job.

"He approach me to tell me how pathetic I was, I didn't want to indulge him so I walked away, that seem to make him even more upset so Mr.Karn pushed me up against the wall while he yelled at me" he stated with no emotion.

"Did this anger you?!"

Gulf tilted his head slightly while looking at Zee, he had never been intimidated in his life before but something about the detached way Gulf was speaking made his skin crawl. "No, it's nothing I haven't heard before."

"You didn't feel the need to retaliate?" He hated having to be the devils advocate but he had no choice. It was for Gulf's benefit as well.

"No, I hate violence." Gulf said.


"Because someone violently killed my parents and then tried to kill me when he was finished with them" Gulf stared at him blankly,  no emotion, Zee felt sorry for the kid "So I rather not be anywhere near violence or indulge in it myself"

Mew was watching. The Gulf in front of them now was not the same one. Something had cracked. He was cold and distant before but now it wasn't even cold. It was empty. Nothing there.

"After your altercation with the victim what did you do?"

"I suffer from panic attacks due to my PTSD, his words triggered it so I rushed home and cried myself to sleep on the floor of my house" Zee flinched infernally, fuck, he glanced at Mew who looked like he wanted nothing more than to hold Gulf " I woke up and it was still dark out so I crawled into bed, when I woke up again it was already 6:00 pm on Sunday."

"Can anyone corroborate this?"

"No" he glanced passed them to the mirrored glass. He glanced back at Zee "my phone died while I was passed out, also I didn't hear when people came looking for me since I got a small fever during the night"

"That's it for now Mr.Kanawut" he stood up and glanced over at Mew who remained seated eyes glued to Gulf. "Detective Suppasit let's go set up the report"

Mew looked at Gulf who glanced at him. Nothing, there's nothing there. He nodded and stood up, they walked to the door Mew glanced back and saw Gulf grab his trembling hand and clutch it tightly. He needed to find the real culprit. And he needed to do it now.

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