Chapter 54

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He kicked the door opened annoyed.
"What the fuck is wrong with you!" His drunk mother yelled.

He glared at her so intensely she visibly shivered.
It had been a shit week, he had been working all 3 of his jobs non stop with no chance to see his Kana and today that he didn't have a night shift he couldn't see him either.

He grabbed the empty liquor bottle on the table and smashed it against the wall making the drunk bitch whimper. He had gone to try and see his Kana but had spotted Mild's and Saint's car outside. They were really becoming a nuisance to him.

He saw the old bitch move towards her phone from the corner of his eye. He turned glaring at her. God he hated her, her stupid face, her stupid eyes. He took a step forward.

"Wh-wha-what are you do-doing?!" She stuttered in fear. He really wanted to kill her, he really wanted to kill anyone at this point. His frustration was growing. He needed to release it. Maybe he could just pick a random bitch and watch her life vanish within his grasp.He wanted his Kana now! Maybe, he should just give up on making things romantic and make him his already.

He smiled at the thought.

"I-if you t-try anything everyone will know you did it!" The drunk bitch cried out, still staring at him terrified.

He hated that she was right, he walked up to her and squeezed her cheeks hard causing her to wince in pain "Don't try me bitch!" He said between clenched teeth "because I will fucking kill you and not care one bit what the fucking nosy neighbors think"

He felt her shiver under his touch. He frowned and released her face shoving it away. "Disgusting" he said as he wiped his hand on his shirt.

He was starting to get anxious. He sat and began shaking his leg trying to decide if he should continue his love confession or just have Kana now. His phone beeped and he looked at the screen.

Want to have a picnic tomorrow?

He bit he inside of his cheek. He had already invested a lot of time with this bitch anyway. He looked at her message again. He sighed he needed to relax he was getting ahead of himself. He would have his Kana in due time no need to rush the process right? Now should he go on this picnic? He didn't want to be seen with her too often and much less in a romantic way, that could raise suspicion. He put the burner phone away ignoring her message for now and took out his real phone. He looked at the picture of Gulf sleeping he had as his lock screen , he'd taken it one of the many nights he had watched him.

He got up taking one last glance at his mother, and walked into his room. He laid on the bed and took the key out of his pocket. He played with the keychain, he smiled as he looked at the kitten on the letter G. He opened his phone and went to his videos playing the one he had been obsessed with lately. He smiled widely.

It was the video he had taken one of the nights Gulf had taken his sleeping pills, he could be seen laying next him hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek. He loved that night, it was such a cute memory of the both of them. Those sleeping pills had been a big help to him. He glanced over to his night stand. He had stolen a couple of them, for a special occasion if needed. He smiled and glanced back at the video. He couldn't wait till he was sleeping next to Gulf every night.


Gulf woke up blinking slowly, he looked over to Saint and Mild. They were hugging each other in their sleep. Gulf couldn't help the giggle and covered his mouth quickly trying to smothered it before it woke them up. He reached over for his phone and looked at the time before unlocking it. 8:27am. He turned on his camera and took a picture of them while biting his lip to stop himself from laughing.

He got up slowly and closed the bedroom door. He walked over to the kitchen and rummaged around pulling things to make breakfast.

As he worked on it he thought about what he had said the night before.

"The guy has a girl , he's straight, or at least committed"

He had said it to ease Bright's mind which was already going into overdrive and turning him into the overprotective brother he always was with Gulf but it had also caused him to think. He and Mew had kissed but no one knew about it and with everything that happened Mew and him had not had a chance to talk about it.

He frowned. What was there to talk about? They had gotten carried away that was all, he was sure Mew was used to it, with his looks and the way people practically drooled as he walked by, he was sure kissing random people wasn't the only thing he was doing.

He didn't like the thought but who was he to be upset about something which seemed to be common now a days? Saint was right,he had not been part of the dating world for a really long time. Also, saying what he did reminded him that Mew did have someone, that girl, he had heard him tell her he loved her so maybe the kiss had been just a fluke.

He heard the bedroom door opened and pushed all his thoughts aside.

"Which of the two lovebirds is awake?" He asked without looking back.

"Both" answered a groggy Mild

"Lovebirds?!" Asked Saint yawning "who me and Mild? No fucking way!"

"Excuse you!" Mild said scoffing "it would be your goddamn honor if I laid my eyes on you bitch!"

Saint and Gulf laughed hard at his reaction.

"I'm just saying" Gulf said between laughs "you two were cuddling and holding each other so tight this morning, I thought I may have to break the news to Boat!"

They all bursted into laughter at Mild wide eyed reaction.


They made it to the field and Gulf felt his heart start to accelerate. He took a deep breath willing it to calm down. He couldn't help the feeling of sorrow that he felt, the fact that something that was so special to him and his parents had become something he ignored for so long.

He opened his eyes and smiled sadly. He wouldn't ignore something he loved again. He had made a promise to his mother and he was going to keep it.

Mild patted him on the back "Are you okay?"
Gulf nodded "Let's warm up while we wait for Bright!" Mild looked at him and saw no pain again, a tinge of sadness but no pain.

"Okay Kanawut! But I'll tell you I'm a beast at this now! You've been gone for too long I am king!" Mild said running to the field

"We'll see about that!" Gulf shouted happily as he ran after him.

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