Chapter 43

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They drove over to Gulf's place in silence. Mild and Saint had called Gulf multiple times already but he wasn't answering any of the calls.

Bright watched the road as he drove and got lost in his thoughts.


Bright smiled brightly, he couldn't believe his luck they were going to district and he had gotten there with Gulf! He felt a rush of excitement flow through him. He had decided he was going to finally confess to Gulf. They had known each other for 9 years now and he had slowly realized he loved him.

He loved when he smiled, he loved his lame dad jokes, he loved how happy he looked while playing soccer. The sport had brought them closer than ever, they both shared the passion for it. They had spent endless nights talking about it, practicing together they had played on the same team for 5 years now and once again were going to go to finals together.

He changed quickly into his uniform for practice, he would tell him today. He walked out of the locker room and froze. Jimmy was talking with Gulf a few feet away. Bright quickly went behind the bushes near by. He couldn't help it he needed to know what that creep wanted with Gulf. Everyone in the school knew he was Tommy's bitch and Tommy was bad news, selling cigarettes to underage students , throwing drinking parties, he wasn't surprised when they had accused him of beating up some guys for money. He was just making sure Gulf was okay that's all.

He finally got close enough to hear.

"I think you know I'm right Gulf" Gulf blushed furiously, he couldn't believe his ears. Jimmy had just confessed to him, saying he liked him, sure he had found Jimmy handsome I mean who wouldn't , but this would be his first boyfriend after coming out. " You and me" Jimmy continued stretching his arm and caressing Gulf's face "We go well together"

Bright felt his heart stop. Was Jimmy asking Gulf out!? No way , no. Gulf wouldn't agree right? I mean he had to know Jimmy disposed of guys like shirts.

"I thought you and Tommy wer-" Jimmy stopped his words with a kiss , Gulf stood there shocked.

Bright felt like he'd been punched in the gut. No it couldn't be. Someone as precious as Gulf couldn't be used by someone as ruthless as Jimmy. Better yet once Tommy heard he would cause trouble, he was sure of it!

"Shhh" Jimmy said pulling away looking at a flustered Gulf "Tommy is in the past, you and me is what matters now. Tommy is just my best friend that's all" Gulf was doubtful he hard heard a lot about him. He looked up at Jimmy who bit his bottom lip and winked at him, Gulf felt his heart speed up. He smiled at him "Okay" he finally said, this was his first relationship. He was so excited but he didn't want to act like a kid.

Jimmy smiled brightly "Great! Here let's take a quick picture, he pulled Gulf closed to him "Kiss my cheek" he told him, Gulf obliged "Okay than see you later boyfriend!" Jimmy said as he walked away leaving a flustered Gulf touching his lips.

Bright felt pain. Real and excruciating pain. He had waited too long to tell Gulf how he felt and now he had lost him.

***Flashback ends***

Bright frowned , if he had spoken up back then, we wouldn't be in this situation now.

They pulled up to the house and it was pitch black, had Gulf not came back to his house?
Mild jumped out of the car and rushed to the door he began banging on it.

"Gulf!Gulf! Open up I know you're in there!" Mild stood quietly for a moment to see if he heard anything. "Gulf please, please let me in" Mild put his hands on the door.

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