Chapter 51

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Mew had been anxiously waiting all morning for the warrant to come through. He groaned in frustration.

"Would you stop it already!" Zee complained from the couch. "You've been like this all morning! It's getting old"

"It's almost 1pm what is taking them so fucking long?!?" Mew said exasperated, he was happy Gulf was home but he wouldn't feel at peace till his name was cleared.

A knock interrupted their conversation and Mew looked at the door expectantly.

"Detective I have the search warrant you had requested" Mew got up quickly and walked over to the girl. "Thanks Janis you're the best!" And winked.

Zee rolled his eyes. This idiot didn't know when he did things like that these women swooned over him. "Thanks Janis you can go! We appreciate the help" the girl frowned and walked out.

"Stop doing that!" Zee said standing up

"Doing what?"

Zee wanted to smack the oblivious idiot. "I'll call the team, how many search dogs do you want?"

"One should be enough" Mew was running high on anxiety now, he hoped they found what they were looking for.


After arranging a team they were meeting in the lobby it was close to 3 now.

"This is the victims shirt" Zee said showing the policeman with the trained search dog the bag "lets have the dog get his scent so he can search for anything that may carry it when we get there"

The man nodded, Zee opened the bag and let the search dog take in the scent. They would repeat it before going in but he wanted to make sure the dog had recollection of the scent staring now.

"Okay team lets go!" Mew said determined they were walking out when suddenly the search dog sat down next to a guy standing by the main desk.

Mew frowned "What is he doing?!" Zee turned to see the trainer calling the dog but the dog was not budging.

Zee walked up to the trainer, the guy at the counter was eyeing the dog weirdly. "What is he doing we have to go now!" Zee said.

"He does this when he picks up on the scent , if he finds it he sits to let me know" Zee and the trainer both looked up to the guy and the dog tapped the mans wrist with his nose.

The man smiled "Ah sorry he must be able to smell the tuna I spilled on my sleeve earlier from lunch" the trainer opened his mouth to say something but before he could the guy was taking the watch off and sure enough there was tuna smeared under it, he smiled embarrassed "guess I didn't get it all"

Mew who had come up behind them watched the way the dogs eyes remained on the watch. Was it really just for the tuna.

"We don't have time for this!" Zee said annoyed "make sure the dog is focused we can't have him messing up, let's go!"

He started to walk away but Mew's eyes remained on the guy. Why did he seem familiar?

"Suppasit!" Zee called out , the guy smiled at Mew and turned back to the receptionist on the front desk, Mew decided maybe he was overthinking and walked away.


He washed his wrist in the sink. Fuck who would've thought that stupid mutt would picked up on that pricks scent on the watch. He smiled a little. Oh well that was solved easily, good thing he hadn't washed the tuna that had fell in there when he threw the trash away before stepping into the station.

He was coming in for his part time shift and never expected to run into the team investigating at the door. He chuckled, but if they were heading somewhere he was right, they had found the box and Gulf was about to be guilt free soon.
Perfect! He needed him back on the job, he didn't want anyone else going over the models he left specifically for Gulf.

He frowned, that one detective was eyeing him weirdly. He recognized him as the idiot who had interrupted his moment with Gulf before and had the audacity to touch him. He felt annoyed. Maybe he would get rid off him just for fun, something about the guy really rubbed him the wrong way. It would be good to see him gasp for his life in his hands. He smiled. Okay when he was done with his love confession he would kill him, the satisfaction would be great.


Mew nodded to the team behind him and knocked.

A woman opened the door dressed in a loosely opened bathrobe. "Who are you?" She said with a flirty smile. Mew wanted to roll his eyes.

He lifted his badge "I'm detective Suppasit" the woman's eyes widened a little panicked "we have a search warrant for Tommy Sittichok's property"

She looked around "He's not here, come back when he's here!" She said licking her lips nervously. Mew smiled "that's not really how it works ma'am" he pushed the door opened "Excuse us! Team move out!"

The woman closed the robe tighter around her body and pulled her phone out. He saw her texting and smiled. He should be here soon.

The trainer placed the shirt on the dogs nose again letting him take the scent and allowed the dog to go search. They took note of every place he took a seat. He walked over to the liquor shelf and sat, he did so on the couch and the bedroom door as well.

"Ma'am open the door the the bedroom please" Mew asked politely "is there anyone in there?" I mean she was in a bathrobe in the middle of the day. She shook her head no and opened the door , the dog rushed in and sat next to the bed.

Then he walked over to a stack of boxes on the corner and barked. Mew looked over at the trainer. "That means the scent is strongest here" Mew nodded.

"What are these boxes for?" The woman looked unsure if to answer or not "Tommy said it was trash, we were going to dump them later" Mew looked at the boxes again, the were stacked up, they all had different things written on them.

Sports shit, goodwill, random bitches and high school shit. Wow how eloquent this man was. He asked the trainer to have dog sniff each one. The dog double tapped the box labeled "high school shit" with his nose and barked.

Mew nodded and pulled the box from the stack. He set it on the table and opened it. First thing he saw was a wallet. He picked it up and smiled.

Zee walked up behind him and saw the ID on the wallet, he looked in the box and lifted a necklace, he pulled the picture Saint had sent him of the markings on Jimmy's neck "Seems to be a match" he said. Mew nodded.

"What the fuck is going on here!!!" Yelled a man walking through the door. Mew turned to see the man in the pictures. Mew motioned to one of the officers to step forward.

"Tommy Sittichok you are under arrest for the murder of Jimmy Karn" Mew watched his eyes go wide "you have the right to remain silent, anything you say can..." the officer continued to read the miranda rights.

"Why does he look so shocked?" Zee whispered in Mew's ear. Yeah Mew had noticed it too. He didn't like this feeling but Tommy had become suspect number one and the evidence was irrevocable.

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