|1| That's a Cursed Sandwich

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Chapter1: That's a Cursed Sandwich



The world definitely worked in mysterious ways- there was no one who could really answer the true definition behind the universe, or its mystique powers of life and stretches of barren outer space that surrounded the small speck of life. Sure, there were theories and hypotheses all over- but there wasn't an answer to the question mankind had created.

Or maybe there was- to answer these "mad" questions, conspiracy theorists believe, the term "God" was brought up to shun people into fear and commitment.

To fear the omnipotent, the omnibenevolent, the all powerful, the relentless, the merciful, the very source of light and darkness... the almighty, the creator.

Cool- but Taehyung believed in none of it.

Being raised in a Christian family- Taehyung had enough of it with being forced on his parent's religious beliefs. Praying? Praying to what?

Something you cant see?

Right- Taehyung obviously didnt mean to offend anyone and their respective beliefs- but the male was just as he was.

He was the kind to not believe in anything- until he would see it with his own eyes.

And that was Kim Taehyung for you.

Truth be told, Taehyung never really fit in anywhere.

Not in school or college- he was mostly the 'rude weird ass' kid. Not the kind of 'hot mysterious rude kid'- Taehyung was just straight up rude, making him completely unapproachable.

Taehyung didnt really consider himself as 'rude'- he was infact too factual and it pissed off the others, not being able to answer back to his smart remarks. So they just avoided him and Taehyung was more than fine with it.

But where Taehyung was at the moment- he felt like he belonged.

He strived for the adrenaline, the rush of feeling his skin burn, the fear in the split second- he loved it.

Taehyung was one of the best officers the Department had ever had.

His admiration and confidence was way off the charts- and he liked to keep it that way, never wanting to fail his superiors.

"Yo Taehyung!"

The male ceased on his steps, turning towards the source of the voice.

With a lazy grin, Taehyung walked towards the male.

"Morning" Taehyung greeted leaning on his friend's desk.

"Y'know I've been thinking- we should totally hit it to clubs this New Year" Hoseok said sipping his Americano, moving on his chair.

"Clubs? Seriously- what are we, 15?" Taehyung scoffed.

"Definitely not me- but I'm pretty sure the last time you stepped into a club was when you're 15" Hoseok shrugged with a smug grin.

"I've gone to clubs alright. I mean- it's too cramped up and everyone's sweaty and they're either drunk or making out and its gross- like watching shitty porn ads" Taehyung clicked his tongue, folding his arms.

"Ah c'mon Tae- I'm not going to that stupid wine tasting ceremony and shit again. I'm getting old and life's draining outta me and I dont wanna die without having gone to a club with my bestfriend even for once" Hoseok groaned, leaning back into his chair.

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