|65| The one that is more human

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Chapter 65: The one that is more human


A/N: atp I'll stop apologizing... my UNI is straight up kicking my ass ;-;

I told yall I'd try not breaking this chapter but I chucked that idea since writing the other part would take me a while leaving yall to starve for even longer....

Wrote 13k+ as compensation tho :D

TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains the following depiction of scenes so tread with caution!!!!
•horror themes
•more gore.

With saying this haha... I hope you enjoy this massive load of train wreck *♡*

Recommended nusic:
• Old money- Lana del Rey
•carmen- Lana del Rey
•Born to die- Lana Del Rey
•Ruin Sentinel -Yuka Kitanura
•Slave Knight Gael- Yuka kitamura

Unedited: don't mind the errors. I'm sleepy

Happy reading♡

Hoseok steadies himself,  catching the younger male in his arms, still clad in his high-school uniform.

"Careful! Do not rush" the man reprimands, to which the boy mutters a quick apology, bowing his head.

Hoseok exhales and steps aside, letting the boy pass through with other people.

"Do not rush! Everyone keep up the pace but do not push around!" He announces, into the microphone and the Citizens shift to walk in a much restrained, tense manner no different than cattle.

Hoseok frowns and looks up at the dark night sky overhead. He blinks away the droplets of rain that descent on his eyelashes. He exhales, his heart resting heavy with unease, that it's almost suffocating.

He shifts his gaze down to the evacuation procedure and tries not to dwell in the fear in their rigid faces.

There's hasn't been a mass evacuation of this sort in the history of their Nation. Its a first for everyone there is and each one of them is running on an edge of disbelief.

Not 4 hours away from midnight, the coast guard had rang the phone to the Government, right after a special division had and in less then 20 minutes, the Government issued an evacuation order for the north west coast lines and much to everyone's confusion, Seoul too—

Harsh storms and tidal waves, have already reached Incheon, swallowing the vast city whole in its deadly clutches and was now trudging its way forward to Seoul.

An approaching typhoon is what the Government told to its citizens, although it's not what the Sepcial divisions told the Government, Hoseok is sure.

Something happened and fear clutches his heart.

He pulls out his phone and tries the number one more time, hopeful only for it to go straight to the voice-mail.

"Taehyung..." he mutters to himself, clenching his fingers tight around the device.

He heaves a sigh and then swipes it off, dialing in another number.

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