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Kayla POV
          3 week later:

I heard everything everyone was saying. As much as I tried I would try to wake up. All I could see is black all around with I white rectangle in the distance I could see the room but can't move when someone's here. The only reason I'm trying to be alive is what mar said I dont want him to kill himself. And the others too ion want them to be sad over me. They all Visited me at least 6 times total and telling me abt their day like I gaf. I mean I guess I'm forced to hear it sadly😿. I'm jsp it's interesting. They allowed more than one person to visit me at a time. Today mar and Josie and Kobe we're visiting me. They visited me the most, like everyday. That walked in talking.

Kobe: Mar please stop Doing that shit. She's not even gone yet and your already got hurting yourself. There's still a chance she'll come back alive so stop cutting yourself please. The whole group cares about you including Kayla. And she'll hate the fact that you're doing that over her. She's gonna look down at you and hope you move on without her happy.

No no no. He can't kill himself over me wtf

Josie: You mean looking up at us Kobe.

Kobe: Josie do you not like Kayla or sum you've always been saying messed up shit like she goin to hell.

I was laughing me and Josie were like that with eachother.

Josie: Bruh I fucking love her wym that's jus our bond.

Mar: Weird. But sure I'll try to stop Kobe.

They talked with me about everything that's happening and shit. Then they left mar stayed behind tho.

Mar: Bye Kay.

He sighed and left.

Things that happened: they all moved into the new house, Josie is closer with all them, Josie and Derek are talking, Lauren dyed her hair, Angelica and Anthony started dating, Samy likes abby, Kobe shot Tierra in her head, Zelani came back, they got a new van that could fit all of us, mar self harmed, Dev fought someone for making fun of me for being "on the hospital", tea pages said I'm hospitalized they don't know the reason tho, Rowan fought Marc for saying I deserved this cause I hit him, Lucas Taty Jared kio Alex Brian mike Vallyk jabez have boring ass lives and nun special happened.

Skip next day:

Everyone was here today ion know why.

Doctor: Okay so once we take her off of life support she either dies right away, Starts breathing, or she breathes for a little but dies.

Kobe: *sigh* okay

The doctor went near me and unplugged something. I heard a loud raid beeping noise and screaming. My eyes opened and I shot up gasping for air.

Doctor: ALL DOCTORS COME HERE! Everyone needs to leave the room.

They all left quickly. This one nurse was calming me down and I eventually caught my breath and went back down. My body was so sore.

Doctor: Welcome back Ms. Morris.

I smiled at them.

Kayla: How Long has it been?

Doctor: About 3 and a half weeks.

Kayla: Oh wow

Doctor: Do you feel any discomfort?

Kayla: Not really my bodies jus sore that's about it.

They nodded.

Doctor: Would you like us to bring your friends in.

𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant