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Listen to Heather by Conan Gray, out of love Alessia Cara, Your Somebody Else Flora Cash, What if I told you if I love you Ali Gatie, cause FUCKING WATTPAD SUCKS ASS ND DONT LET ME PUT SHIT n e way enjoy this chapter😊

Kaylas POV
Thursday December 7, 2020
            2:50 pm

School ends in 10 minutes. Right now I was in my last period with Jay. The school we're versing is the same one that girl Gisselle is in. Ion get how they got in playoffs when she sucks... anyway this is my last game then that's the end of basketball season.

Jabez: Kayla!

I looked up cause I was laying down on my desk.

Kayla: Huh?

Jabez: Are you okay?

Kayla: Yes why wouldn't I be?

Jabez: Ion know you seem more sad and less happy compared to a couple months ago. But aside from that it's your final game todayyyy

Kayla: I know I don't really feel like playing tho.

Jabez: Why not? You get to do your thing with Kobe afterward she doesn't that make you happy.

Kayla: I mean I guess. You think we're gonna win?

Jabez: Yuppp.

The bell rung and me and Jabez walked out.

Kayla: Imma go to the locker room now bye jay

Jabez: Mkay bye good luckkk

He yelled as I walked the opposite direction. I went to the girls locker room and saw Angelica.

Angelica: Im nervous

Kayla: For why?

I said while opening my locker.

Angelica: What if we lose

Kayla: Then we lose.

I took off my hoodie and felt the cold air touch my skin.

Kayla: Holy shit it's cold as fuck

Angelica: I knoww I was hugging Anthony the whole day.

Kayla: Poor Anthony

Angelica: Hush

I laughed and we got changed. We walked to the gym. Our group was sitting right next to the door. I was shaking from how cold it was.

Kayla: Where's mar?

They all shrugged.

Kayla: Oh. Can I have someone's jacket?

Kevin threw me his jacket and I put it over my jersey.

Kayla: Thanks

Kevin: No problem

We walked across the court to our chairs.

Angelica: Let's shoot around.

She pulled me onto the court I threw Kevin's jacket to the side. She passed me the ball and I kept missing. It she kept passing me the rebounds.

Josie POV


I yelled at my group.

Samy: Nobody knows.

Derek: Calm down

He rubbed my shoulders but I shook his hands away.

𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨)Where stories live. Discover now