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If you get scared easily or are scared of ghosts I don't recommend reading this:)

Okay so it was a Friday. The day before I was supposed to go to target with my friends but I have strict parents and I didn't want to anyway. The next day I went to school early like I always did and when one of my friends came she was off. Let's call her Duck. Just go with it okay😀. So duck was like all jumpy so I asked what's wrong.

She told me she can't say or it'll come for me. I was like uhh okay. My other friend came well call her red. (These names are gonna be weird sorry😭) Red was like staring at random shit. Red and duck were apart of the group that went to target. The rest came over and they had crosses.

Me: Wtf is wrong with y'all

Red: I can't say.

Me: Just say it you literally have all your classes with me.

Red: So yesterday we did this red door yellow door green door demon thing u probably saw it on TikTok. You lay on someones lap and they say red door green door yellow door any color of the door. But before someone has to tell a story abt what happens. If you see red you have to say and some one has to slap you before they take you away. Yesterday we were all on ft and Fanta (he's a boy;) my crush👁👄👁) Got a vacuum and made us feel better. We all saw it in the corner of the room and he said someone screamed his name when he was home alone. And someone almost pushed duck near her balcony.


They started crying and my eyes turned watery cause demons... no. Then my other bsf came let's name her bear.

Bear: What's up with you guys?

Me: Demons.

Bear: Don't tell me my house is already haunted.

Then the rest came and they all hugged and the bell rung the teacher just stared at us. Nosey ass mf.

Me and red have the exact same classes. She was quiet which was annoying cause we always talked. She was crying and I just hugged her.

Me: Calm down

I whispered

Red: It's under the desk there's multip that follow duck and the others I have 3 one in the corner under the desk and behind you.

Me: Bitch get it away I'm sorry but I hate ghosts.

Red: You don't think I tried dumbass

She laughed a little

Me: Why is it kinda hard to breathe...

Red: that's what it does to you it's grabbing my leg just try to ignore.

Anyways time skip that day the doorknob moved by itself and we both saw it we heard knocking no one there. We all cried in the bathroom at break and someone thought it would be funny to scare us and make a loud knock and red went out and smacked them cause it was her bsf. It went around the whole school and the older kids joked abt it and some ppl got in trouble and the counsel called them crazy. Also we had holy water.

After school we went to our old one with a teacher we were close with and we told her abt it cause she said she don't believe them. She then told us it's because our brain tricks us and imagines it cause she believed it when she was little. But we had scratch marks she said that was us we do it without noticing and stop thinking abt it. And then it went away after a while but I'm still scared. If you wanna ask anything go ahead.

𝐅𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐨)Where stories live. Discover now