~The Highest Bidder~

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The days dragged by and there was no sign of hope for you. Your spirits were completely diminished and you couldn't seem to find the light in the situation. It felt as though there was nothing left for you in the galaxy. Only fear and pain existed within you now. The other girls tried their best to cheer you up, but it was nearly impossible when they too were stuck in the same place as you. As your week slowly winds to a close, you were being put through the works. You only got the cantina position one more time, before the doors were shut in your face. The next few days consisted of you scrubbing the greasy kitchen floors with Krina and Vami. Fortunately it gave you more time to talk and you would rather be cleaning than offering your body to cruel strangers.

The slave trade had always bothered you when you heard stories growing up, but this experience had opened your eyes wider than before. Everything these girls went through was some form of torture. Krina let you see her scars from her days of rebellion against the guards. They had whipped her back raw and now she was seen as undesirable to many customers. Her sister cried for days straight when she couldn't see the one person she had left in the world. Do'lona was the one to comfort her. Lani showed you the horrible welt on her ankle from where she had been prodded with a glowing hot metal rod. Even if they weren't physically punished, they were forced to endure countless hours of sexual assault. All you wanted to do was escape with them and burn the Black Sun to the ground.

Finally it came. It was the day just before the one you had been dreading during your time here. Tomorrow was auction day. If you were sold off to Gido, the chances of your rescue became even slimmer. You were sure that Dorno wouldn't sell you to anyone except for that sleazebag. He held too much power to be denied of something he wanted. You weren't sure if staying here or being sold off was worse. From what you had seen of Gido, you expected it to be the ladder. He could do anything he wanted to you and nobody could stop him. Hopefully he would only use you as a servant, but you highly doubted it. He was the type of man to have too many servants to count. The moment you were useless to him, Gido would kill you. That was something you did not doubt in the slightest.

"Hey," a soft voice halts your train of thought on its tracks. "You've been scrubbing that same tile for the last five minutes."

You slowly rock back on your heels, staring down at the spot on the grimy tiles that was much shinier than anywhere else. All you could say was "oh," before you dunk the sponge into the sudsy bucket and move to the next tile. You and Do'lona had been working in that damned kitchen all morning. It wasn't too bad and you had it clean within the first hour, but the cook proceeded to throw a massive fit and mess everything up again. Your hands and arms were aching from scrubbing the floor for so long and your back hurt from being bent over.

"What were you thinking about? I know that look." Do'lona looks up at you as she dries off the tile she had just finished with a clean rag.

You sigh softly. "Auction day is tomorrow. Gido is going to buy me and then all of this is going to be over. I'd... rather stay than be with that horrible man. Stars, how did I get here?"

The Twi'lek scoffs and wipes the sweat from her pale blue skin. "Bad luck. Just like the rest of us."

"I never asked you how you ended up here." You set the sponge down and sit down contently, as if telling her you were ready to listen.

Do'lona lowers her sponge and bites her lip. "My parents passed away when I was young. I practically raised my little sister. We lived on Corellia. I was finally making us some real credits because of this singing gig I took at a local cantina. I took a shortcut home from work one night... I wanted to surprise my sister with dinner. A real dinner. None of that mushy slop she had been forced to eat for so long. That's when they grabbed me and it was all over." Her voice breaks. "I still think about my sister. She must have been so scared just sitting at home and waiting for me. I have no idea how long she waited before she called for help. I don't even know if anyone would help her. She was only twelve at the time."

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