~Whatever You Want~

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"Are you sure you want to come?"

You place your hands on your hips, looking up at Kylo in exasperation. He had been asking you that same question all morning and your answer was the same every time. Yes. Kylo wanted to adjust you back to your normal life as quickly as possible ever since he executed Kess. He put you through a tougher training regiment and made sure everything ran smoothly with your recovery. His efforts did not go unappreciated by you. You were glad to be getting your mind off of what had happened, but now you were getting bored. When Kylo had brought up his mission to Coruscant again, you jumped at the opportunity to get off of the ship.

So far, you were doing well. The welts on your back were beginning to fade away, but the deep ones would leave small pink scars. It was hard getting your body used to fighting and training again after a week of torment, but you managed to pull through. Then there was the matter of your trauma. It was a touchy subject and proved to be more difficult than you imagined.

Every time someone touched you, your first instinct was to recoil. It had gotten better, but sometimes it was rather startling. Kylo was smart about being intimate with you. He never overstepped and you two hadn't done anything overly sexual since the incident. You were grateful for that. Your emotional scars would take a longer time to heal than the physical ones.  His kindness was extremely surprising, in fact. It was something you never expected from him. It made you view him as Ben sometimes.

"Alright," Kylo sighs, rising from the bed. "I'll have the Stormtrooper carry our bags to the shuttle." He offers you his arm and you take it. "Have you ever been to Coruscant?"

"No." You reply.

Truthfully, you didn't even know what the mission on Coruscant was for. It was a last minute decision for you and nobody had filled you in on the purpose of the mission. You figured they would go over it once you arrived. All you knew is that you would be staying for two or three days, depending on how successful it was. Although you hadn't been to that planet before, you had heard plenty of stories of its unconventional beauty.

As you and Kylo board the command shuttle that would take you down to the surface of the planet, you begin to come up with theories about what the objective was. The Supremacy had relocated overnight so it could stand watch over the entire planet and ensure nothing suspicious left the atmosphere. This was also convenient for the mission since it would result in an incredibly short flight. Given your little dislike of flying, you were happy.

The Stormtroopers rush into the shuttle after you both strap into your seats. They seat the bags down and make sure they are secure, before hurrying back out of the ship. The ramp slides back in and the door slides shut with a soft hiss. Everything rumbles and shudders as the ship's engines spring to life. The landing gear groans as it retracts into the bottom and the shuttle lifts off. Another small transport follows closely behind. It carried the Stormtroopers and the Knights of Ren accompanying you both on the mission for extra security.

As the shuttle gets farther and farther away from the Supremacy, the planet of Coruscant comes into view. You lean to the side, peering straight ahead through the cockpit to see it getting closer. As far as you could tell, there was not a single speck of green in sight. The entire planet was an ecumenopolis, which meant it was covered by sprawling cities. You knew that it had a population in the high billions or even trillions. It was a miracle the planet recovered after the Fall of Coruscant back in the time of the New Republic. Now it was thriving and better than ever. That wasn't to say it didn't have its issues. It was difficult controlling waste, feeding, and providing breathable air to such a massive amount of people. Coruscant's technology was far more impressive than anything you had ever witnessed when it came to sustainability.

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