Let Me.

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Let Me.

Cookie's heart pounded against her chest as she held the gun up to her husband. The look of terror and disbelief in Lucious' eyes funnelled her with confidence and determination to end the nightmare that was their marriage. Her eyes narrowed in on him, as he stared at her with wide eyes, mouth slackened at the fact she dared to pull the trigger.

They'd fought before. It was near damn a hobby for the couple, but not once had Cookie ever pulled out a gun on him, let alone pulled the trigger. It showed Lucious just how mad and distraught she was. This wasn't their regular tussling of trading thoughtlessly harsh or petulant insults. She was on the verge of a Lucious-induced mental breakdown and was liable to do anything so when that gun shifted down to his dick, he yelled out her name to snap her out of her psychotic headspace.


Cookie took in a deep breath. "Get yo' ass over here and sign these papers, Lucious." She hissed. "Get over here!"

Lucious slowly moved toward the desk. His eyes narrowed with anger over her irrational actions, as he watched his wife and the gun in her hand. "You want to be divorced from me that bad?" he questioned.


"You gon' pull a gun on me?!" he snarled.

"I did."

Their lethal expression mimicked the other. "You're outta yo' damn mind." he sneered.

"I might be."

At every short, nonchalant response, Lucious grew angrier. Did she want to be rid of him that bad? After all that they'd been through, she expected him to just sign those papers and watch her move on? What was the point of getting remarried with the promise of being better to each other, if they were inevitably going to end back in a dark space? 'With you by my side, I can get through anything.' What a load of crap, he thought. She had abandoned him the moment hard times arose.

"I'mma reach for the pen," he muttered.

"Just sign the damn papers!" she shouted.

"I need the damn pen!" he shouted back, exasperatedly, as he slowly inched his hand toward the pen. His wife was out of her damn mind, liable to do anything and he didn't put it past her crazy ass to shoot him in the hand if he made a sudden movement.

"Here, take the damn pen!" she hissed, throwing the biro at him. Lucious snatched it up and flipped open the divorce papers.

He scanned through the words, pretending he had a genuine intention of signing as he tried to come up with a plan to delay the inevitable. He couldn't let them end like this. did something so good turn so rotten? When it came to him and Cookie when they're good, they're great, but when they're bad, they're toxic.

"I'm doing this under duress. You know this don't hold up in court."

"Shut up." She hissed. "You know what's so sad about this, Lucious?" Cookie muttered. "That little Yana," she spat. "Seems like a real smart little girl," she hummed. "But that's how you like 'em, huh, Lucious? Another Loretha Holloway," Lucious' head rose. He watched her eyes narrowed, disdainfully. "Smart, young, and dead ass in love with you." Her voice cracked as tears pricked in the corners of her eyes. Lucious felt his eyes gloss over as he stared at Cookie sullenly. He took in her tired appearance and felt the guilt eat him up. "And what do you do? You use them, you lie to them, you cheat-"

He saw the fury in her eyes. Had he cheated with Yana? How could he have? Cookie had made it abundantly clear that she didn't want to be with him anymore. How the hell was she getting mad about him being with someone else whilst she's pushing him to sign divorce papers? The bitch was bipolar.

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