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"arms straighter! pirouette!"

I finished the turn and landed in first position.

"that's a wrap," raven my dance teacher says. "lei stay behind please."

fuck. i knew i was off today but i didn't think it had affected my dancing. i sit on the floor taking off my pointe shoes throwing them by my bag as i tried to catch my breath. i was irritated with myself. 

raven walks over looking down at me as i take off the tape from my toes. "are you ok?"

"yeah i'm fine, i just am in my head today."

raven nods, "i've never seen anything affect your dancing before."

"it wont happen again," i say placing my shoes in my bag. i pulled out plain black joggers, pulling them on along with my oversized wool lined jean jacket. i stood up and slid on my chunky sneakers. "we done here?"

she nods, "next time come with a clear mind and leave the attitude at the door." she says before walking away.

i collected my things off the floor before walking out slamming the door behind me. what the fuck did she know?

I got in my car, since my parents were out of town again i decided i shoud pick up some food and although i knew how to cook i didn't feel like it. not after today. this morning at school, i didn't see nate, nor was i bothered by him. him and i didn't talk at all this past week and classes went normally. i just was really irritated with myself. kat and i spent a lot more time together growing closer and closer together and even planned a sleepover for black friday, since thanksgiving was coming up this week.

that's what happens when your anxious, and depressed. you have good days and bad days. dance usually helped but today i wasn't in the mood. 

i drove to the restaurant and parked up, getting off to go and put in the order for my meal. i made my way to the front, asking for a single order for fettuccine alfredo with chicken and a order of breadsticks. they told me to have a seat to wait for my order.

i sat on one of the chairs they had pulling out my phone scrolling through my instagram feed. a couple people from east highland had followed me, some i didn't even fucking know. the feed seemed to get more and more annoying. shit post after shit post.


fuck. what the actual fuck.

i looked up from my phone seeing nate in front of me. "oh look who it is."

"hi lei," he responds back.

"what do you want nate?" we hadn't spoken since the day by my vehicle and i was kinda surprised we were talking right now.

"what are you doing here?"

i cross my arms across my chest, "i don't know nate why would i wait at a restaurant for?"

he scoffs, "really fucking funny, lei." he answers sarcastically. "you here with someone?"

"nope. i mean not that it concerns you. i'm picking up some food for myself."

he stays standing there still looking at me, looking over the outfit i was wearing. he made a face at the sneakers i was wearing. "where'd you come from?"


he chuckles his eyes making their way back up to my face, "i thought dancing was for sluts."

"it's ballet." i ask right back at him. "kinda surprised it's like you haven't spoken to me."

he shakes his head, "i thought you wanted you space."

in love for the night // nate jacobs \\Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora