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i pulled away from the kiss opening my eyes to look up at nate. "we shouldn't." i say backing away from the kiss. "we can't" i whisper.

he rubs his face in frustration, "why? lei honestly why?"

"you hurt me, nate! you physically and emotionally hurt me" i say just as frustrated. "you're like dr. jekyll and mr. hyde. you are one way and then you are another and i get so confused." i look away shaking my head.

"me? me?" he yells back at me. "you never admit to your own faults. you think acting like a slut is ok?"

"a slut?" i ask annoyed.

he nods his head, "yes a fucking slut. you were making out with cassie like a fucking whore."

"oh yeah don't fucking act like you weren't into that. also you had no problem fucking maddy on my birthday," i say feeling the tears form in my eyes. "you went and fucked another bitch on my birthday!"

"that's not what happened!" he says stepping towards me.

"then what the fuck happened nate? because you keep saying it's not what happened but you wont tell me. and i'm tired! i'm so tired." i say wiping away my tears.

he looks down at me, "i went to mckay's he needed help with something and i can't tell you what it was ok? but i need you to trust me."

"trust you?" i ask raising my eyebrows. "how can i trust you when you can't trust me?"

he stays quiet and looks down, "lei. stop."

"i can't count on you for anything, nate." i say turning around to walk away.

nate walks over and grabs my arm pulling me in closer to him, "you can count  on me now. ok? lei i need you. i've been going crazy without you."

"then go fucking crazy!" i yell at him as i cry more.

he leans down and kisses me again, like in a way to silence me. i kiss him back as he begins to deepen my kiss. i grab him by the shirt and pull him in closer to me.

he pulled away and looked into my eyes using the pads of his thumb to wipe away my tears. "lei you mean the world to me."

i sniff as i look down. why was it so hard to believe him? he leans over and gently kisses my head then my temple. he trailed kisses all along my face before pressing a soft kiss on my lips.

"you want to go to the pool, and relax for a couple of hours" he asks as he looks down cupping my cheeks. "then we can get dinner since my parents made a reservation. we can be normal and not argue."

i look up at him and nod pushing down my sunglasses to cover my eyes. "yeah sounds ok." i whisper as i wipe my nose. i grabbed a pair of sandals and put them on. "let's go."

nate walks over and grabs my hand leading me out of our hotel room. we made our way into the elevator and got on.

we made our way to the pool and i picked a place with two loungers. "can you go get some towels, nate?"

he nods and walks off going to one of the sheds located around the pool, to get them. he walks back over and hands me the towel. i place it on the lounger and took off the coverup i was wearing. "what's that?" nate asks his fingers going over the faint purple marks that were yellowing on my skin.

"dancing accident," i said simply with a shrug. i didn't want to start a fight. i didn't want to tell him it was because he had hurt me the day of my birthday party. that was simply a conversation i didn't want to have. i took off my sandals and walked over to the pool climbing in slowly.

in love for the night // nate jacobs \\Where stories live. Discover now