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( lei's pov )

grayson had told me to go to the hotel next door where he reserved a hotel room for us. i think the lady at the front desk must had assumed there was something wrong but didn't ask any questions as she checked me in. i didn't blame her for being concerned though i probably looked a mess. i mean i was a mess. she asked if i needed help and i quickly denied it not wanting anyone to bother me at the moment. all i wanted right now was gray.

this hotel wasn't as fancy as the hotel i stood with nate but it would have to make do. plus i wasn't exactly being picky. i just wanted to escape from the craziness.

chances may be he might go looking for me. chances are he might find me or we run into each other by coincidence. but i made it known to gray that i didn't want to go home. well not yet. i didn't want to tell my parents what happened even though i desperately wanted them.

i made my way into the small hotel room. this set up was different with just a bed in the middle of the room with white and light blue sheets. a desk, a dresser with a tv on it and a mini fridge. a separate room for the bathroom. two large sliding doors gave view of palm trees and the ocean with some mountains in the back.

i took off my sunglasses and placed my luggage down while i walked over to the bed before laying on it. gray had told me to get some rest but i honestly don't think i could right now.

i grabbed my phone and seen a text from my mom asking me if i was having fun. of course i messaged her that i was having the best time and that i missed her.

i also seen a text from gray saying he'd be at the hotel in a few.

also the constant texts and phone call from nate asking where i was.

i grabbed the comforter and placed it over my body as i felt the lump grow in my throat. i didn't want to cry anymore but it was my only coping mechanism right now. what else could i do?

i felt myself starting to nod off but then heard a soft knocking at the door. i got off of the bed and looked through the peephole seeing gray standing there with a small suit case.

i quickly opened the door and i pulled him into the room hugging him close to my body as i felt myself begin to cry again.

he drops his bag and wrapped an arm around me, his other placed behind my head. "shhhh it's ok." he whispered to me as he kissed the top of my head. "i'm here now ok."

i continued to cry not letting him go. i took in his familiar scent of his cologne. it comforted me. it reminded me of simpler times. the before.

usually i was the one rescuing gray. but today he was here for me and that meant so much.

he gently pulled back to look down at me. he uses his thumb to wipe my tears. "lei. it's gonna be ok." he whispered to me as his right hand cups my face. "i'm here now it'll be ok."

i looked up at him and nodded my head, as my lips trembled and my tears continued to fall.

"do you want something to eat? or drink i'll call room service," he whispers to me, tucking a strand of hair behind my hair.

i shake my head, "i just want to relax."

"yeah we can lay in bed, i'm exhausted from the flight and i could barely sleep."

i felt bad as i looked down, "do your parents-"

"yeah they know," he mutter quietly. "i told them you needed me and i promised i'd facetime for proof but we can do that later ok? i just want you be ok. i told them not to say anything to your mom and dad and i'm sorry i said something but you know with rehab and them not trusting me. i just can't up and leave."

in love for the night // nate jacobs \\Where stories live. Discover now