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( rue's pov )

becoming friends with lei was easy. almost as easy as becoming friends with jules. lei looked like every other rich kid. she had luxury clothing, book bags and had the newest gadgets and car. like she had stepped out of the set of gossip girl.

she quickly became the kylie jenner of east highland. but there was so much more to lei as you got to know her.

i found out she was a really fucking competitive dancer. all the other ballerinas shuttered in their pointe shoes when she crossed their paths. she was ruthless and cut throat, but what more did you expect from her. inside the dance studio she was like a robot, who was out the kill. not afraid to step on any toes to get to the top.

but outside the dance studio she was kind, almost too sweet, the kind of girl who was easily taking advantage of. and trust me she had been. but she could be a bitch which people at saint mary's knew, very well. that's why she walked out of their friendless, push away any human being that got close to her.

i walked around lei's room looking at pictures she had on her wall. a young lei arms wrapped around an older asian woman and an older white man. another of a probably 5 year old lei in a tutu and crown posing for the camera.

"hey rue," kat calls out to me and i turned around to face her as she walks in with a box of pizza. "wanna slice?"

lei followed behind her with plates, some sodas and a smaller brown bag. "i'm starving."

"of course," i say as i sit next to kat with the box of pizza on the floor and grab a slice.

lei's phone rang and she looks at the screen, "i gotta take this." she says standing up and walking out the room, closing the door behind her.

"it's this mysterious guy from saint mary's," kat explains to me. "she won't tell me who it was."

i wondered if it was the fucking guy from the corner store the other day. after a quick instagram search and becoming really good friends with lei i found out her back story with gray, although it took weeks of asking.

grayson jameson rydell, was not your average pretty boy he was captain of the schools water polo team. i know water polo who the fuck even plays that. he was also on the swim team and just your average private school ass hole. he went to rehab multiple times, because he was addicted to cocaine or something like that, maybe it was meth. i didn't give a fuck.

he had anger issues and when i say anger issues i mean nate jacobs anger issues, but to another ten. he didn't give a fuck who seen what an ass hole he was.

lei started dating him the end of her freshman year after she lost the braces and lost a shit ton of weight because of her eating disorder. he was sweet, the kind of sweet who listened to her talk about her problems, the kind who went to her ballet recitals with flowers in hand. the company she needed when her parents weren't there. the type of guy who didn't pressure her to have sex with him, being understanding of her fears. he was gentle and patient. he was that reassurance she needed, but shit turned dark when his drug addiction started, he got more aggressive and crazy. almost manic.

sophomore year, lei dealt with any girls biggest fears in a relationship. gray grew more and more abusive. physically assaulting and mentally abusing her. but she couldn't help staying with him, through his constant drug and alcohol use and the abuse because she loved him.

and i knew first hand that love could make you do some crazy ass shit.

lei came back in the room and sat down on the ground picking up a slice of pizza, "so kat can't wait to see the outfit you pick out for me tonight." kat had dragged me to the mall earlier to help put an outfit together for lei. 'she needs to stop dressing like blair from gossip girl and start dressing like a bad bitch,' were kats exact words.

in love for the night // nate jacobs \\Where stories live. Discover now