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"why are you upset?" nate asks as he followed close behind me.

i ignored him as i walked up the steps to his house. "i don't know why you agree to do these dinners and stuff if we aren't together." we just had dinner at a restaurant with his parents and i was irritated because they again were talking as if nate and i were this happy couple.

"you and i are basically together," he says as we stop at the door.

i roll my eyes looking up at him, "so we're basically not together either."

"why are you so difficult?"

"why are you?" i ask as he opens the door to his house.

he walks in, "you're the one who doesn't want people to see us together."

i follow behind him, as we made our way up the stairs. "cause your ex girlfriend is a psycho."

"and your ex boyfriend isn't?" he asks as he opens up his bedroom door.

i shake my head as i walk into his bedroom, for the first time. his room was extremely clean, even cleaner than mine. "he isn't. there's a difference from an addict who acts crazy when they're on drugs than a girl who acts like that sober."

he closes his bedroom door. "why do you defend him?" he asks annoyed as he takes off his shoes before sitting on his bed.

i turn to look at him. "i'm not."

"you are," he says getting annoyed with me as he lays back on his bed.

i make my way over to him and climb on top of him. "even if i was why do you care?" i ask placing my hands on his chest.

"i don't," he muttered as he looks up at me.

i leaned down so our faces were just inches apart, "but you do."

he grabs my arms and flips me over to look down at me, "why are you worried about maddy? you have nothing on her," he mutters. my breath hitches as he uses a hand to grab my face, "you are mine. whether you want to admit it or not. we don't need a label. i don't need to say it. you should know." he leans down and kisses my lips roughly.

i instinctively kissed him back just as rough. i wrapper and arm around his neck as he deepens the kiss. he goes to unbutton my jeans and then the door opens.

"oh fuck i'm sorry," nates dad says as he quickly closes the door behind him.

nate quickly gets off me, "for suck sakes can't you fucking know!" nate yells as he walks out the room to continue to yell at his dad.

i sat up in the bed, completely embarrassed about the situation. i stood up and walked over to nate's full length mirror and buttoned my jeans up.

i brushed my fingers through my hair as i listen to the screaming calm down. i was just happy nate wasn't yelling at me although i was super uncomfortable now and wanted to go to my house.

the yelling stopped and nate came back into his bedroom and looked at me. "they wanted to give you your birthday gift because they won't see you tomorrow."

i look at nate chewing my bottom lip, "it's gonna be awkward."

"you weren't naked. also we were just kissing it's not a big deal." he says as i run my fingers through my hair. "are you gonna come down?"

i nod my head, "yeah," i say as we both walked out the room and down stairs to their living room.

nate's mom grabbed a box that was wrapped perfectly with a red bow walking towards me. "sit!" she says.

in love for the night // nate jacobs \\Where stories live. Discover now