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after nate had left i had a very interesting conversation with my parents.

'he's not my boy friend mom.'

'we're just friends.'

'it's nothing.'

'why would you invite his parents over if i never ever met his parents?'

blah. blah. blah.

my favorite statement was my mom saying i looked awfully comfortable with him in the kitchen to be a friend. whatever they wouldn't understand. but i understood the confusion almost every day after that i'd leave the house around 7 and return around 9:30. the same pick up truck picking me up every single time.

school went normally. i talked to my only friend kat and nate would meet up with me random times during the day, pulling me into secluded parts of the hallway or an empty classroom, to spend a couple minutes of our day together.

i wanted to keep whatever nate and i were low key. it was kind of a mutual unspoken thing.

i was having more and more good days which sounded kind of crazy because honestly nate stressed me out sometimes.

after school today i got in my car and drove to a small corner store. i got off and went inside and got a water because i was thirsty and some pistachios for a small snack before i had to go and pick up kat to hang out at the mall. you

"lei, if i would've known better i'd think you were avoiding me," gray says leaning again my jeep.

"what are you doing here?" i mutter in a panicked voice.

he smirks at me, "i missed you." he walks towards his hand cupping my cheek.

"i don't miss you." i say pushing his hand away and his other hand grabbed my arm.

"why are you gonna keep lying to me," he says pulling me closer to him by my arm.

i push him back, "get off me gray."

he grabs my face, his fingers digging into my cheeks making me look at him, "why do you always have to cause a fucking scene!"

tears begin to form in my eyes, "please leave me alone." i say trying to push him off me.

"you think because you changed schools means you can run away from me and that you aren't mine. you'll always be m-"

"aye is everything good here?" a brunette calls out and gray lets me go.

he shakes his head, "nah we're good."

"you sure it doesn't look good," she says looking over at me. "you okay?"

i wipe my eyes, "yeah."

gray looked at me, "i'll see you later, lei. always a pleasure." he said before walking over to his car.

the girl reaches in her pocket and grabs a tissue handing it to me as tears continue to stream down my face. "boyfriend?"

"ex," i sniffle out taking the tissue. "thank you." i use the tissue to wipe my eyes.

"that guy seems like a dick."

"he is." i mutter.

she nods placing her hands in her pockets, "i'm rue."


"you're the new girl right?" she asks running her fingers through her hair. "i see you all the time with kat. she's real cool."

i nod my head, "yeah. i was just gonna go pick her up to hang out. wanna come?"

"oh nah it's cool i don't wanna impose on your like hangout," she says to me.

in love for the night // nate jacobs \\Where stories live. Discover now