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my blood went ice cold as those words left his mouth. what did he mean he knew everything. "i don't know what you're talking about." i spit out as i place the menu down.

"don't play dumb with me," he says with a smirk as if it was a joke. "you know i know."

i tucked a strand behind my ear, and shake my head, "you know nothing."

nate clenches his jaw as he shakes his head. "oh i know everything. i know why you left, or should i say got kicked out of st. mary's."

"i left st. mary's," i say coldly.

he chuckles, "you think i'm really that dumb, lei? you think i don't know that your daddy's money covered up what you did? how he paid off the school to say it was bad grades when we all know it wasn't"

i gritted my teeth and i shake my head slowly, "i have no idea what you're talking about and i think you should shut up."

"i know you fucked that teacher," he muttered in a hush tone careful for the rest of the restaurant to not here. "the one from the city the other day."

i shake my head, "you're ridiculous. that never happened."

"oh did it? i'm a hundred percent sure it happened. he left the same time you did. not to mention, someone walked in on you two fucking. supposedly you were bent over the desk, while he slammed into you from behind." he gives me a cocky smirk. "and you said you weren't easy, turns out you're a fucking whore just like the rest of them."

i sit back in my seat and slightly shake my head, "that never happened. you have no idea-"

"no idea? i know," he says getting cut off by the waiter comes over with our drinks and i nod my head to thank him.

"what will you be having?" the waiter asks oblivious to the situation at hand. 

nate looks at the waiter his face changing from the smug smirk he had on his face, "i'll have the steak and lobster with the steak fries. the lady will have the lobster and shrimp with the broccoli." 

he had to be fucking stupid if her thinks i am just going to sit here and take his shit over dinner. 

the waiter looked me over, "are you sure thats what you want ma'm?"

"i said what she is having. that's what's she having." nate says to the waiter annoyed.

"my apologies sir," he says as he turns to nate. "i'll put the order in." he walks away.

i rolled my eyes, "you don't have to be rude to the man."

"i do whatever the fuck i want," he says in a hushed whisper. "okay lei."

"go fuck yourself nate," i mutter. i say as i start to get up.

he reaches over the table and grabs my hand. "sit down right now."

"no fuck you." i whispered pulling my hand away from him and grabbed my bag. "have fun eating by yourself nathaniel." i say turning away and walking out of the restaurant. 

he didn't get up to run after me, i didn't expect him too either. i went over to the elevator and i felt the tears brim in my eyes. i pressed the elevator door and waited for it to open. 

i didn't want to cry but i couldn't help it. the girl who supposedly seen me had made it up, but upon investigation they seen that i actually did have a relationship with theo. 

as soon as the elevator doors opened, i walked inside and pressed the floor i was on. i dabbed my eyes with the back of my hand. 

i remembered the hell i went through, after people thought i had slept with a teacher. how much shit they put me through. as soon as the elevator door opened i walked over to the room. i fumbled with my bag looking for my room key. i wanted to go inside and hide from my shame. 

in love for the night // nate jacobs \\Where stories live. Discover now