♥︎ Chapter Twenty-Two

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"You're Lee Juyeon, right?" Hayoon's dad says to me.

"Yes. Nice to meet you." I respond, politely bowing. Her mom and dad look at each other and smile.

"You're dating my daughter, aren't you?" Her mom asks, my heart stops beating for a moment. I can't lie to them otherwise that will be disrespectful. I'm sorry Hayoon.

"Yes, ma'am. I am dating your daughter." I respond, she smiles at me.

"Do you really think you can date my daughter?" She continues.

"Look at you, and look at my daughter. Your social classes don't match and neither do our expectations of you." Her mom says, coldly. I could only stand here and take it all in. I looked at her dad and he looked mad as well, but it was mostly her mom that was attacking me.

"I know your lunch time is short, so I'll get right to the point. From now on, you are no longer aloud to be near my daughter. You cannot date her anymore, so the next time you see her, bid your goodbyes and break up. Do not talk to her, touch her, or make eye contact with her. From this day forward, she is no longer your girlfriend. Have a nice day." Her mom and dad bow and walk away.

Once they're out of the building, I drop to my knees and start crying my eyes out. This is exactly what I was afraid of. It was my biggest fear to lose Hayoon. She's been the light of my life ever since she came. I need her around, I need to protect her. I don't think I can do this. My heart starts to crack and I can just feel it. I hit the ground as hard as I can, not giving a care in the world if someone can hear it.

Why did this have to happen? Why can't they just let Hayoon date whoever she wants? What's the point in dating another wealthy person if you're already wealthy? Isn't it Hayoon's decision who she wants to date and who she doesn't? I can't bare to see Hayoon dating somebody else. If I ever see Hayoon with another guy, I don't know what I'd do. My heart hurt and I could feel my eyes getting heavy. My heart started to spin and I couldn't feel my limbs anymore. I closed my eyes.

"You're never going to be a K-Pop idol looking like that, Juyeon!"

"You're so thin! Who would ever recruit you?"

"All you can do is dance, you can't sing. Just be a backup dancer."

"You've gotten uglier over the summer, no wonder all those companies rejected you."

"Good luck trying to become a K-Pop idol, Juyeon. You really need it looking at how talentless you are."

The harsh words the rich high school girls said to me kept echoing in my head, making it hard to concentrate.

I had just got into Cre.Ker Entertainment. Their only group so far is Melody Day, who was doing pretty well on the charts. It was a small company, but they gave me a chance.

Everybody looked so close already. I was about to give up and wait for people to come to me, but then I remembered that I would look weak if I did that. I went up to one boy.

"Hi, I'm Juyeon." I introduce myself.

"Hey, I'm Youngjae, but you can call me Eric. You are mad handsome! How old are you?" He shakes my hand and asks.

"I'm 17, how old are you?" I ask.

"I'm 15. We're pretty close in age, let's be friends." He locks arms with me and brings me inside one of the practice rooms, where a lot of boys were.

"Hey guys! This is Juyeon!" Eric introduces me, everybody comes up to me and introduces themselves.

A couple of hours pass and it was our lunch break. I was exhausted. We practiced nonstop for a couple of hours and the girls' words were still echoing in my head, making me less and less confident. Eric and I decided to get lunch for the rest of them. I kept my head down the whole time, thinking about their harsh words. Is this really the right path for me?

While we were walking out, a girl with long, black hair walked out of one of the rooms. She looked like a goddess. Is she a Melody Day member? No way, she looks too young.

"Hayoon!" Eric calls, she looks up and smiles at her. She must be older than him.

"Hey, Eric. Who's this?" She asks, pointing at me.

"This is Juyeon, he's new to the company." Eric introduces me, I bow slightly.

"I'm Hayoon." She introduces herself and bows politely while smiling.

She was beautiful, I didn't know how to act. I was still upset about what they said, so I distanced myself from Hayoon. Her and Eric exchange a goodbye hug and Eric and I are off. I have to admit, Hayoon has a beautiful smile. Looking into her eyes made me want to fall for her right there.

Day after day I kept bumping into Hayoon. At the start, she would try to start a conversation with me, but I would ignore her and move on. At one point, she stopped talking to me all together. I felt bad, but I didn't know what to do about it. So I just let it be.

She stopped walking by me a few days later. Thinking I might've upset her, I went to her practice room to check if she's there. Luckily, she was the only one inside. She smiled at me and gestured for me to come in.

"Hey..." I said shyly.

"Hi." She responded with a smile. Her smile could light up a whole room.

"I'm sorry for being rude. I was feeling insecure and less confident because of these stupid girls at my high school. I shouldn't have taken it out on you, I'm sorry." I bow at her, she lifts me back up and places her hands on my shoulders.

"It's okay." She smiles again. My heart melted. I knew that after this, I would try to become her friend.

It wasn't easy though. I barely saw her nowadays. I tried asking Eric about her, and he just told me that he doesn't know. I wanted to know everything about her. Something about her makes me feel so happy and jittery inside.

"Once I debut, I will show you how cool I am." I said to myself, directing it towards Hayoon and my stupid bullies.

Finally after I debuted, I saw Hayoon more around the building. I would hug her, hold her hand, pat her head, and compliment her. She would just stand there and do nothing. Why did she change like this? Maybe this is how she is. If that's how she is, I might just fall in love with how shy and cute she is.

Seeing Hayoon more and more often made me happy. I completely shut out all of my bullies and focused more on my career and on Hayoon. One day, I will become closer to Hayoon than I have ever been. One day, she will be mine.

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