Chapter Eight

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Jakob's POV.

It seemed like I blinked and it was the end of March. I felt like I hadn't stopped studying and working, and when I did, it seemed like it was only briefly, to squeeze in eating and sleeping.

But I quite liked it. We had the last week of March and the first week of April off Uni, due to Easter falling early, and when I woke up at 7AM on my proper first day off since probably Christmas, I didn't know what to do with myself. I was showered and dressed before nine, and the thought of having nothing to do all day was driving me a bit crazy. Lauren had gone away with Damien for the weekend and wouldn't be back till that evening, so she was a no-no.

"Hi son."

I turned from the toaster and smiled at my dad. "Morning, you not in work yet?"

"Leaving in ten, how are you? I know we live in the same house but it feels like I haven't seen you in weeks." He chuckled.

"I know, I'm sorry. I've been all over the place." I sighed. "Toast?"

"No thanks kiddo. And don't apologise, you're working hard, I'm proud of you."

I grinned. My dad was a typical man like me; he didn't say things like that often, so when he did, it was a great feeling.

"How's university?"

"Good, yeah. I just sort of can't wait for it to be over now, you know?"

"I can't wait to see you in your cap and gown." He smirked.

"Dad, shut up." I laughed.

"No but seriously! I don't know how I'll cope that day when you graduate. I know I don't say it a lot son but I am so proud of you. You've become such an amazing young man."

"Dad." I muttered, buttering my toast a little too much. "You're embarrassing me."

"There's nobody here!" He chuckled. "Anyway, Uni's good? No... Problems with anyone or anything?"

I sat down opposite him and smiled reassuringly. "No, I'm fine. Those days are over; I just keep my head down."

He nodded, standing up and moving around the table, he ruffled my hair. "Plans for today?"

"Not really. I'll see what happens."

"See you tonight kiddo."

"Bye dad."

I sighed quietly and picked my phone up with my free, less greasy-with-butter hand.

Lacey still hadn't stopped pestering me. It was just texts but she was starting to drive me insane now. I failed to see what she could possibly want after nearly three years.

My phone buzzed in my hand and a text from Lauren came through.

Morning hun. I miss you already! We need to go out when I come back. Any more messages from bitch face? Love ya x

Smiling and shaking my head, I replied.

Morning loony😋! Yeah, she's still texting; trying to ignore her, don't worry. How's the weekend been? Love ya too x

If I see her when I get back, I shall kick her ass. What about Perrie Edwards? Still talking to her? Xx

I couldn't stop the smile creeping onto my face. Perrie and I were still messaging regularly. I daydreamed that I was the only one she spoke to so often, but that couldn't be true, I mean out of everyone trying to get her attention on social media, why me? But then, she couldn't be doing the same with everyone... surely she was too busy for that...

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