Chapter Fifteen

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The simple task of opening my eyes had become nearly impossible. I kept trying, but they seemed to turn to lead or something. I didn't have the energy. I could hear voices, but my head was splitting, throbbing like I'd never felt before.

"D'you think he'll remember what happened?"

"I hope so; because I'm gonna kill whoever did it. I can't believe he was only round the corner, if I'd have left work two minutes earlier..."

"It's not your fault Lauren."

I heard Lauren sigh heavily. "I'm just going to call my mum, Mr Hunter, I'll be one minute."

"Okay love, and it's Mark."

"Okay, sorry." Lauren laughed.

I heard my dad sniffle. I desperately tried to open my eyes again and managed it for a split second.


I kept trying, I saw my dad leaning forwards in a chair. The light in the room was far too bright.

"Jakob? Come on son, open your eyes. Can you hear me?"

I didn't know if I could speak yet. I placed my hand on my dad's and squeezed it so tight, suddenly feeling really scared.

"It's okay kiddo, I'm here. It's okay."

"Oh my god, is he awake??" Lauren's voice rang through the room and I smiled. At least I thought I did.

"He's trying. Lauren, will you run for a nurse?"

"Yeah, course... Jakers, it's Lauren. Wake up for us honey." I felt her plant a kiss on my free hand and heard her run from the room.

I tried opening my eyes again. It seemed to be getting easier and by the time Lauren came back in, followed by a tiny blonde woman in green scrubs, I was sort of squinting, still trying to adjust to the light.

"Hello Jakob, I'm Dr. Edwards. Can you hear me?"

Doctor Edwards.


"I'm just going to shine this light in your eyes Jakob, okay?"

'Oh god, please don't.' I thought but she did anyway. I once again clasped my dad's hand tightly, my head screaming in protest as her little light invaded my eyes.

"Does it hurt anywhere Jakob?"

I nodded, but even that hurt. Tears filled my eyes. I didn't care that I didn't look so masculine. I just wanted the pain to go away.

"Can't you give him something for the pain?" My dad said.

"Yes, certainly... I need to run a couple more tests, I'll be back soon. Try and talk to him."

Dad moved and perched on the bed beside me, gently dabbing my eyes. "Don't cry son, it's alright. Can you hear me alright?"

"Yeah." I whispered. "Hi dad."

He chuckled and gently kissed my forehead, something my dad never did. "Hi kiddo. Lauren's here too."

"Yeah, I heard her." I said and Lauren laughed.

"Didn't knock any sarcasm out of you, did they? How d'you feel Jakers?"

"Like someone smashed a bottle over my head." I said and I saw Lauren bite her lip, trying not to laugh.

"You gave me the fright of my life." Dad said.

"Me too." Lauren added. "I came out of work and I saw an ambulance driving off round the corner... when I tried to ring you, I couldn't get an answer, I just knew then, I dunno how. I just knew you were in it."

Nothing Else Matters - Perrie EdwardsWhere stories live. Discover now