Part 7

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We all crowded round waiting for madam hooch to arrive back, until draco grabbed Nevilles cloud ball that changes colours, from off the ground where it dropped out of his pocket from flying so high.

"See the look on his face?, maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd remember to fall on his fat arse." He said while laughing.

Harry faced Draco and asked him to hand it over but draco declined and said he's going to hide it somewhere for longbottom to find and flew off on his broom.

Harry was determined to get it back for Neville so before he flew off hermione tried to stop him but he didn't listen and went after malfoy.

'Harry! Don't be so stupid!' I called after him but he didn't even look back at us as he chased Draco.

'What an idiot' Hermione spoke shaking her head at the two boys.

Harry caught the ball after draco throwing it as far as he could.

He landed back safely just as Draco did too.

We all ran towards harry, telling him how dangerous and stupid that was, but we were all just happy he came back without a scratch.

We all heard someone stomping through the outside corridor towards the training field, and saw it was professor mcgonagall, asking for Harry to come with her.

He went along and left just as madam hooch came back and said the lesson is over as it's time for our free period.

Everyone left and I went into my dorm room, still feeling light headed slightly, but got dressed and went outside to sit underneath a willow tree and study.

On my way there i was walking through a corridor and found myself feeling extremely dizzy, much worse than I felt before our flying lesson, I tried to hold myself up on the wall to steady myself but I collapsed to the floor and fainted.

To my surprise, someone caught me then dropped me after a second, all I heard was a huff as I hit the floor again.

"Eurgh how dare you fall into me you mudblood" I hear the voice of draco say as one of the professors helped me up and took me to the hospital wing before I had blacked out completely.

I hoped it was just me feeling very homesick and the first day nerves, not something serious.


Later on i woke up and saw that Harry Ron and hermione were all sat at the end of my bed looking glum.

"Are you ok y/n??" I heard Harry ask me as I sat up looking at the three.

" yeah I'm feeling much better. Um... do you guys know what a mudblood is?" I asked them, still remembering what draco called me as I accidentally fell into him.

"Who called you that?!." Hermione asked angrily.

"Draco malfoy, what does it mean exactly hermione?".

"Its just a word people like malfoy aka a pure blood will use against someone who is muggleborn." She says looking down at the pristine white bed sheets.

I sit there thinking about dracos words for a moment until madam pomfrey comes into the hospital wing to let me know that I am well enough to leave.

Me, Harry, hermione and Ron all start to head to our common room and on the way to the stair cases we pass draco, crabbe and goyle on their way to the slytherin common room.

Draco looked at me but I ignored him even though him calling me a mudblood earlier didn't affect me badly, it still hurt as i could tell there is good in him but I just hoped we will get along in the next few years.

I've never liked assuming how people are from their personality when I first meet them, I like to wait it out and see what they are really like because some people just like to put on a show and hide their true personality.

As me and the others were on the stairs, they began to move towards the third floor....

"We shouldn't be here it's forbidden." Hermione said while we all walked ahead into the right corridor.

"Yeh let's head back." Ron suggested.

As we all start to head back, the corridor lit up and filchs cat appears.

" oh no! It's filchs cat." Hermione said frightened.

We all quickly run towards the door at the end of the corridor to find out the door is locked.

"We're all doomed" Ron squealed.

'Oh move over!' Mione shoved us all out the way quickly to get to the door.

"Alohamora!" Hermione rolled her eyes and casted with her wand making the door become unlocked.

We all rush inside and slam the door shut.

"Phew!" I said out of breath.

Ron questioned hermione on how she knew loads of spells, she just replied with that she 'studies'a lot.

I turn around to see Harry staring at something.

"Why would someone keep a door locked in a corridor like that?." Ron questioned before turning around.

"Maybe this is why" Harry said while we all turned around and caught along to see what he was looking at.

In front of us was a huge three headed dog.

"Run!" Ron screamed.

We all got out of there as quick as possible and shut the door.

We finally got back to the common room, all a little out of breath and scared.

"Why would a school like this want to hold something like that behind a door." Ron questioned, a little shooken up.

"Don't you get it? There was a trapdoor underneath it therefore it's guarding something." Hermione said as we all walked through the common room towards the dorm room stairways.

We all looked at each other confused and then eventually say goodnight and head to bed.

I entered my room and headed straight to my red silk bed.

I was so tired after today but the only thing on my mind for some odd reason was what Draco called me earlier and why he hates me so much.

While i was deep in thought, I eventually fell asleep.


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