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Previously on Somebody..

''Taehyung.. do you remember me?'' I ask him with anticipation. He closes the colorfull comic of his and stares at my face. Say you remember me.


Silence. I do not even dare to breath. All I hear is my heart pounding again and again while he stares at me like I am a crazy person.

''Doctors told me I might not remember everything after the crush.'' He explains breaking the silience and the akwardness. I frown trying to hold back the tears from falling. He has to remeber me. He is the only one who knows the real me. My past self. My present self. And I really want him to meet the future me too.

''What do you remember exactly?'' I manage to ask without stuttering.

He looks away thoughtfull. ''I know I am a dancer. I am famous. I remember myself dancing on the stage.'' He explains and touches his head like those memories cause him pain. So it seems like he only remembers some moments of his life but has skipped some others?

''How did you begin dancing? Think.'' I pressure him and I know I shoulf not do that. He bites his lower lip. Please remember.

''I don't remember. But I remember the feeling of dancing the first time. Just the feeling. No picture or sound. No memory.'' He turnd back his eyes to find mine. I am sure I look pale and weak. I guess I am a stranger to him now.

I clear my throat. I need to be hopefull. It is too soon for freaking out. His memories might return. For now I need to stay away from him before Mr.Jo knocks him out for good. Yeah. I am going to wait for a while until he is in a healthy condition to talk him to.

I find myself stuck infront of him and my eyes are lost into his brown ones. I smile because I remember. The day he finally learnt the choreography I designed for the New Face song. He was actually too good to be true. I watched him practise and I was overwhelmed by his talent. He looked so cool in my eyes and I thought we could be an even cooler dancing pair.

''Come here. We have to practise our last move.'' He interupted my amazement. I approached him carrying a strange emotion that I was so unfamiliar with. I did not know what it meant then. Maybe I was too scared to analyse it. Taehyung looked at me like I was something worth staring at. Never ever had anyone stared at me like he did. I always thought I was not someone special or important but he made me doupt that.

I standed some meters in front of him and he waited for me to run. And I ran towards him not holding back. I jumped and he caught me. He raised me up like I was a weightless feather and I couldn't take my eyes off him. I think he felt the same. There is no way he did not feel the same.

He looped around himself holding me tight until there was the time he had to let me down. He didn't. He kept me close to him and he chuckled. ''For me L..you are somebody the way you are. Somebody important.'' He whispered. I was taken aback. He was rarely so honest and sincere.

I chuckled back. ''For me.. you don't have to become a winner so that I can call you V.'' After how harshly life treated him and the fact that he managed to survive. That I can call aVictory.

''What are you thinking?'' I hear Taehyung ask me now. He keeps staring at me confused. I exhale sharply. I will make him remember. I will have to wait for a while though.

''You will soon find out Taehyung.'' I force myself to smile. ''Get well soon''

Somebody🌠Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora