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Previously on Somebody..

My hearts stops when I hear Taehyung shout from behind. "I feel like you are someone whom I must remember. That is why I won't give up Lisa."

*One year later*

This year was really hard and exhausting. We have fans all over the world now and I am gradually used to this life full of performances and practice.

I haven't reached Taehyung or seen him all this time. Our group didn't participate in any competitions this whole year because we were too busy with our tours in Europe. I exhale sharply. Here I am now staring at my reflection on the mirror. My hair is dyed in that ashy color I always desired to have. I am absolutely ready to go on the stage and dance knowing Taehyung is somewhere out there watching me.

Yeah that's right. We are finally in a dance competition after an entire year of absence. Taehyung doesn't remember me but Mr.Jo is here to ensure we don't reunite. I can't avoid the contract this time. He proved me he is one hundred percent capable of hurting anyone. Even a famous idol with fanatic fans like Taehyung.

If I am to decline this marriage again Taehyung and my mom.. won't be safe.

We live the dressing room and walk through the long hall. I am completely drawn from my thoughts when I feel someone passing by me. Our shoulders touch and I feel my heart aching. I stop walking and slowly turn my head around to see the person that caused me this pain in my chest. I blink twice before realizing whose eyes I am facing.

Taehyung has stopped from walking too and stares into my eyes. His lips parted and his expression shocked. I turn my eyes away breaking the eye contact and remain composed. I can't talk to him or Mr.Jo might kill him but.. did he.. by any chance .. feel this burn in his heart too? Why else whould he turn behind to see me?

I clench my fists and force myself to keep walking forward not looking back. I enter the stage and I grab the microphone. "Blackpink in your area." I sing. We dance to our new songs and the fans scream louder than last year. We bow and thank them our faces glowing up from the happiness that surrounds us.

We go back to our seats and watch the rest of the show until it's BTS's turn to perform. The crowd of fans screams and shouts their names. It's like a sea of people begging for them to appear. And they do. They sing and dance to their popular songs but I notice that Taehyung is pretty distracted the whole time.

The members thank the fans while Taehyung's eyes search for someone in the crowd. His eyes freeze when they meet mine. His lips form an honest smile and I know instantly he remembers. I know it because when I stare into his eyes it doesn't feel like I look at a stranger anymore. His stare sends shivers throughout my body and I abruptly stand to my feet. I ignore Rose pulling my skirt to sit back down because I realize that after all this time.. Taehyung remembers me.

He grabs another member's microphone and puts it in his lips. "I told you L. I told you I will remember you." He speaks making everyone silent from his shocking words. I don't care about my career or about haters. I smile widely because.. I am not the only one who remembers our past selves. Was it then? Was it that our shoulders touched in that hall that made you remember? Something simple as that?

I guess that was all you needed to remember me.

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