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"SO, ALL IN ALL, NOT one of Ron's better birthdays?" Fred muttered sarcastically earning a slap on his arm from Dawn.

It was late evening on Ron's seventeenth birthday. A day he, unfortunately, had been spending at the Hospital Wing at Hogwarts, in a state of unconsciousness. Each of the Weasley's had received messages from Dumbledore, explaining how Ron had been poisoned (no one knew by who or even why) and was being treated by Madam Pomfrey. 

Arthur and Molly rushed to the wizarding school by Floo Powder before before escorted to Dumbledore's office; probably to talk about what had happened. Dawn also arrived by Floo Powder (thankfully Mdam Pomfrey gave her a potion for her nausea when she arrived). Charlie and Bill weren't in England but they promised to get there as soon as they could. Fred and George were at Hogsmeade when they received the message and rushed over to the school.

The hospital wing was extremely quiet (practically empty). The windows were covered by thick curtains, blocking out any natural light. The lamps positioned on each bedside table were the only thing illuminating the room. Hermione and Ginny were both seated besides Ron's hospital bed, their eyes purely focused on the boy. Harry stood on the other side, looking troubled. Dawn was standing at the foot of the bed, right in between Fred and George with a hand over her stomach. She chewed on her lip nervously. Madam Pomfrey promised that Ron would be okay, it could take him anywhere between hours to days to wake up, but when he does, he'll be back to normal in no time. 

"This isn't how we imagined handing over our presents," George commented grimly, he moved forwards and took a wrapped present from his pocket, placing it on the bedside table before moving back to stand besides his older sister.

"Yeah," Fred nodded, his eyes lingering on Ron's closed eyes, "When we pictured the scene, he was conscious."

"There we were," George continued, "In Hogsmeade, waiting to surprise him--"

"You were in Hogsmeade?" Ginny suddenly questioned, finally turning to look at the twins.

Dawn glanced at Fred as he nodded, "We were thinking of buying Zonko's," He confessed, "A Hogsmeade branch, you know, but a fat lot of good it'll do us if you lot aren't allowed out at weekends to buy our stuff anymore...But never mind that now," He dismissed it as he went round to grab two spare seats from near the bed next to Ron's. Fred jumped onto one before gesturing for Dawn to sit on the other one. 

The oldest sibling smiled at him thankfully as she sat down, sighing in relief as the pressure from her feet disappeared, but she knew that by the time she got home they'd probably be swollen anyways.

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