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Harry grew up to be one of the most powerful and curious wizard ever. Harry was very powerful and nearly exploded the castle during one of his wild magic explosion. The 4 founders were astonished with the amount of magic that came from Harry and immediately started Occlumency and controlling his magic by the age of 3. Even though Harry learnt how to control his magic, he would accidentally slip up from time to time and let loose a wave of magic. Merlin was extremely happy that the fates were rewriting themselves, and often visit once a week. Merlin would tell Harry stories about his godfather and his uncle. When Harry was 4, Row started teaching Harry French, Latin, and Spanish, along with other magical languages such as the language of the goblins and nymphs.

Once he was 5, he immediately started lessons with the 4 founders. Ric taught him sword dueling, Transfiguration, Defensive Magic and Riding whether it be horse riding or broomsticks. Sal taught Harry Potions, Offensive Magic, Mind Magic or known as Occlumency, and Archery. Meanwhile Row decided to teach Charms, Arithmancy, Runic Magic, Astronomy, and Divination. Finally Helga taught Harry Herbology, Care of Magical Creatures, Wards, Protection Magic, Music and Arts. 

Harry seems to enjoy all the classes except for Divination, Music and Arts. Harry hated looking for the future and as we quote, 'Why look to the future when you can just enjoy the present?' Harry seems to hate Music and Arts as much as he hated Divination, or even more. Harry doesn't have the patience to play musical instrument. But Harry was amazing at dancing, which Helga was raving about. "You have the skills to be a future heir Harry!" Helga exclaimed after an amazing lesson, in which Harry danced the routine perfectly without missing a beat. 

Harry's favorite lesson has got to be Potions. Harry would spend hours in the dungeons along with Sal just to brew a potion. Harry soon realized that he could speak Parseltounge, the language of the snakes. Harry and Sal would use Parseltounge to send secret message to each other during dinner or breakfasts. Sal gave Harry nicknames such as Little Snake and Snakelet. 

Harry was horrible at Archery at first, and soon became amazing as he begged the arrow to hit the center point. It seems as if Harry was controlling objects with his mind. Sal was surprised and promised to teach Harry how to shoot arrows at moving objects when he was 8.

Meanwhile, Harry was amazing at Sword dueling, and soon received a prize from Sal and Ric when he was 6. A pair of customed made daggers, one of the daggers were hilted with rubies and gold from Ric, and the other were hilted diamonds and silver from Sal. 

Harry enjoys the visits from Merlin. Merlin taught Harry how to control the elements. Harry was turning out to be a fire, air, water, earth, and metal elemantalists. Harry learnt how to control the elements and how to use them for important and near death experience. 

Harry had a busy childhood not only in his studies, but he helped the founders build Hogwarts. In fact, it was Harry who suggested the idea of changing ceiling in the Great Hall. Harry perfected the castle and the wards around it.

By the age of 7, Harry was a master at Occlumency and kept his magic under his power. Harry doesn't use a wand and instead use wandless. As Row told Harry, "Wandless magic is simple. Use your brain." Harry had an animagi form of a red phoenix with streaks of gold, silver, and blue, the colors of the founders. His form prevented Harry from not getting sick easily and can heal injuries quickly. 

Back to the 1990s

Evelyn was extremely happy. Her parents just made her the heiress of the Potter family. Her best friend, Ron Weasley, constantly came over to play with her. James spoilt the little girl and Lily did too. By the age of 5, her parents start teaching Evelyn basic lessons such as occlumency, charms, and potion. Her father taught her occlumency and Lily taught her charms, where as 'Snivellus' (as what James called him) Severus Snape taught him potions. It was obvious to say that Evelyn hated Snape and she hated learning. Her parents begged her to study but she always said, "I'M THE GIRL-WHO-LIVED! I BEAT YOU-KNOW-WHO. WHY DO I HAVE TO STUDY?" James and Lily were exasperated and gave up. 

James nearly forgot about Harry until Evelyn's 7th birthday. Lily was crying in the middle of the living room. James immediately walked over to her and locked the doors, afraid that Evelyn would come in. "Tiger-Lily, what's wrong?" James asked worried.

"I-I miss Harry. He-he's probably sp-spending his bi-birthday alone, James. P-petunia was never the type of person t-to give pr-presents." Lily sobbed. James felt guilty and hugged her tight. 

"Love, Harry will probably be alright. When we go and pick him up when he's 11, we'll buy him 11 years worth of presents alright?" James comforted. "In the meantime, let's write a letter to him." 

James took a parchment paper and a quill and handed it over to Lily. Lily wrote hastily.

Dear Harry,

Hi Harry. It's your mom and your dad here. We wish you a happy birthday. We love you very much. So please don't feel left out. We'll see you when you're 11. Just remember we love you. Hope that Petunia treats you well.

Love your Parents,

Lily and James Potter.

 Lily rolled the parchment paper and handed it over to James. James tied it to a nearby owl and send it flying. "Why don't we celebrate our daughter's birthday?" James asked. 

Lily smiled and went to wake Evelyn up. Lily stared hard at the owl flying away, and she has a feeling that Harry will never receive her letter.

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