On The Road Again

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Pari's P.O.V

Disney world was soo fun! We're on the plan to Australia.The only bad thing is that "I" got in some trouble in disney,So niall told liam,So he would punish me when we get to australia.

"You girls ready for tour?".Josh asked sitting down next to me.

"Yes,But I always get In more trouble cause there's all five of them watching us 24/7".Emma said putting down a card and flipping one of her's over.

"Yeah I gotcha,but maybe if you tried behaving then you would be able to sit".Josh said while Emma rolled her eyes.

"I'm just giving you a heads up their not going to let so many things slide this tour girl's".Josh said and got up and walked off.

"What was that about?".Emma asked with a confused look on her face.

"I think he's just saying to be good or we'll get are asses beat".I said with a shrug.

_______ 8 HOURS LATER IN AUSTRALIA________________

Liam's P.O.V

I'm at the hotel room waiting for Niall,Josh and the girls to land so I can punish pari.I just can't believe that she would do something like that!

I hear the door unlock and walks in Pari looking like she's pissed off.

"Liam just to make things straight I didn't steal anything! I don't know why you think I would, someone blamed it on me!". She said focussing on the someone.

"I'm willing to listen pari just lower your voice but if your not telling the truth your going to get it three times worse".I said with a sympathetic smile in the beginning but then turned stern in the end.

"Well, Emma and I we're in the Hotel room and she got bored so we ended up looking through Niall's stuff and took 20 dollar's". Pari said being honest I think.

"So it was Emma's idea?".I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not saying that".Pari said looking down.

"Okay you know what stay here".I said and walked out of the room to go find Emma.
I texted Niall and asked were they were and he said in the hotel room.

I walked across the hall to Niall's room and knocked on the door until he answered.

"Hey Li what's up".Niall said letting me in.

"Nothing can I barrow Emma for a bit?".I asked Niall as He gave me a confused look.

"Um sure ,Emma come here please".Niall yelled for her.

"Ya uncle Niall?".She said waking up to us.

"Liam wants you".He said while she walked out.

"Okay". Emma said and walked back to the Hotel room with me.Once we got their I had her sit with pari.

"So Emma was stealing the money your idea?".I said getting serious.All I got from her was a shrug.

"If nether of you are going to tell me who's idea it was then both of you are getting spanked".I say and raise an eyebrow.

"Okay pari go stand in the Conner Emma come get over my lap".I say
with a sigh and take off my belt.Both of their eyes widen.

"Liam what are you doing?".Pari asked looking at me like I was crazy.

"Stealing is a serious thing and you girls need to be taught a lesson".I say and double my belt over.

"Now go to the corner pari".I said and just gave Emma the look she knows oh to well.She came over and went over my lap.

"Both of you will get 30".I said while lifting the belt up and slamming it down on her bum.
Emma started to whine at first but then after like the first few spanks she started to cry.

"Li Li I've learned my lesson!".Emma cried in to my leg.

"You still have 20 more to go babe".I said Spanking a little harder then I was before.


All you could really hear was whimpering and crying from Emma.

"Please uncle Liam it hurts".Emma cried in to my leg.

"You have 13 more count them".I said with a smack.





"Ow eight".
"th-irte-en".She said and sobbed in to my leg.I pick Emma up and let her cry for a little bit in to my neck.

"Okay honey go switch places with pari".I said and rubbed her back.

"O-okay".Emma said and got up and switched places with pari.

"Okay you know the drill".I said and patted my lap.She bend over my lap and I started the spanking.


"Leeeuumm".Pari whined.

"Pari don't start".I said with a smack to each word.

"Do you know why your getting with spanking Priyanka?".I asked still spanking her.

"Ow y-yes I "stole" ".Pari said putting up the " " signs.I rolled my eyes I just want to get this over with I'm tried.


"Okay pay your done".I say and pull her up and hug her while she cried in to my chest.

"Emma you can come out of the corner now babe".I say and open my unused arm for her to come cuddle.

"I'm okay uncle Liam I want to go cuddle with uncle Niall".Emma said ad started to leave.

"Okay but go straight there no dilly dallying,okay".I said.

"Okay".She said and left.While I laid pari down on the bed so she could sleep.

Emma's P.O.V

I walk across the hall to Uncle Niall's and Uncle Harry sitting in the room watching golf.

I went up to uncle Niall and sat on his lap and put my face in crook of his neck.

"So em what did Liam want to see you for?".Uncle Niall asked rubbing my back.

"Oh um nothing".I lied.

"Oh okay ,Why do you look like you've been crying?".Uncle Niall asked I think he's catching on!

"Oh I don't know".I said with a shrug.

Niall's P.O.V

"Hey Liam why did Emma come back crying?".I asked Liam while we were getting ready to go out on stage.

"She didn't tell you? Her and pari didn't tell me who took the money so I spanked both of them".Liam said this was shocking to me cause I wouldn't think it would of bin her,I'll have to have a talk with her about that.

"Oh that explains it,I'm shocked she didn't tell me this then I'm not cause what kinda kid would?".I said thinking I said the last part in my head.

"Ya That's true".Liam said and with that Sam called us to go on stage.


Hey!! Happy birthday to Sophia smith!🎁🎉🎉🎊🎉🎊🎁🎊

FYI:This is not edited so if there's a weird sentence improvise a little 😂.

Anyways sorry I haven't updated for like a month! I'll try to work on it but school isn't getting better at the moment.😒

Goal's ⚽️


Love ya~😘:);:)::):):):):)::);):):):):)

living with my uncle's (one direction spanking stories) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora