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Jimin glides down the sidewalk effortlessly, his sheer pink cardigan flowly softly in the wind. He hums along to the bubblegum pop blasting through his pastel pink earbuds as he slows down to enter the coffee shop.

Before going inside, he sits on a bench and changes into his Hello Kitty Converse. His phone is pressed to his ear.

"I know you want me to, Hobi, but I'm just a casual skater. Besides... There's no way I'd fit in. Femboys don't really hang out at skateparks..."

Hobi rambles for a few minutes about how Jimin has never cared about fitting in so it shouldn't matter now.

"It's just out of my comfort zone... I don't even know any beginner tricks. I'm going into the coffee shop now. Are you almost here?... Hello? Oh my God, he hung up."

"Jimin, I'm right here."

He looks up and giggles. "Hey Hobi! Do you want to to hang out after getting our drinks? There's a cute resale shop that just opened up-"

"I'm dragging you to the skatepark by your laces and you can't stop me."

Jimin rolls his eyes. "No way."

Hoseok snatches his skates. "You aren't getting these back until you go there with me. Just once. You don't even need to skate. Just... Look at it. Please?"


They pick up their drinks, a strawberry refresher with extra strawberry milk for Jimin and a classic mocha for Hobi, and they head to the skatepark.

"You said it's it a few minutes away, right?"

"Yeah. We're only 3 blocks from it."

"Oh. Okay."

"I know you might not want to skate here, but there's a lot of guys there that you might like."

"You're hilarious for implying that any of them would go for a guy that looks like he's straight out of a My Littlt Pony campaign."

"Skater boys can have weird tastes sometimes."

Jimin scrunches his nose and pouts. "Did you just call me weird?"

"Yep. It's not a bad thing."

"Still rude."

"What I'm trying to say is that skater kids are rebellious and don't like conforming to societal standards. They'll probably admire you for being yourself."

"Skater kids are all emo or scene and hate people. That's not my type. I like people like me."

"I have a feeling you like grunge people."

"They all look like they never shower and they definitely don't wash their jeans. Don't even get me started on deodorant usage. Axe body spray is not deodorant."

They reach the skatepark and Jimin giggles. "So many beanies and flannels. Where's the loudspeaker blasting Nirvana? I need to wallow in my teenage trauma and do nothing but complain all day."

Hoseok nudges him. "Shut up. Look at all of the people that aren't basic skater kids. There's that girl dressed like a hippie listening to Stevie Nicks. And that guy is literally skating in a suit. That guy is wearing black cargo pants and no shirt-"

Jimin grabs Hobi's arm and squeezes it. "Hold up. Shirtless guy has shiny nips. Why are they- fuck, are those piercings?"

Hoseok squints. "Yeah. They are."

"He looks so out of place."

"See? You're both out of place. No one will even notice that you're here."

"... I'll skate here if you come with me."

"I'll try, but Nadia and I are gonna try to hang out more. She just finished her half-semester classes."

"Curse you and your hot Russian girlfriend."

"Try some tricks right now or just skate around a bit."

"No. I think we should just people-watch for awhile." He walks over and sits down on a bench. "I'm very intrigued by the shirtless nip-piercing guy."

"I can tell. You keep staring at him."

"Yeah... He's confusing to me for some reason. I think my brain is trying to comprehend him. I feel like I've found the exact opposite of me."

"So... He's not your type?"

"Not at all. He just seems interesting."



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