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I'm y/n y/l/n. And I'm what people call a muggle born or a 'mud blood'. My parents are both muggles and I'm a witch. Let's say coming to hogwarts was challenging for me.

You see none of my siblings were witches but my parents loved the idea of me being something extraordinary. So they let me go thinking that it would be fine. But oh were they wrong.

When I came back in the summer none of my siblings would talk to me. And they kept demanding that I was sent to the attic because I was, and I quote "a freaky little demon bitch".

So they sent me to the attic, and forgot about me. They barely fed me and started to spend more time with my siblings. Well I rotted in the attic. The only thing keeping me going was the twins.

I became friends with them at our first quidditch practice, them being beaters and me a chaser. I was fast on my broom. And wood saw that. So I joined the gryffindor team.

That being said I was sorted into gryffindor. Being friends with the twins was interesting to say the least. They tried to hide my broom before a match against Ravenclaw one time.

Key word tried they ended up hiding it pretty well there was just one problem, I have already fallen for their pranks before. So I learned some spells that I could use to find things and bring them to me.

So when I said the spell the boys were not expecting me, a first year, to know. I said it with my hand open and the broom flew from its hiding spot, almost hitting the boys in the head but missing because they ducked.

I cocked a smile at the memory before a pounding sound brought me back to reality. The way the house was set up was in the boys room. There was a door that led to the attic.

That being said I could hear the boys playing video games in their room. And with the vent that was connected to my older sisters room I could hear the girls fangirling over something.

There was a second vent that connected to my parents room, that was the vent I was sitting next to, they were talking about me going back to hogwarts. They didn't want me to, however that can't stop me.

My owl came a couple days later. And I hatched a plan when everyone left for the day I would sneak out, this gave me about 6 hours to get everything on the school list, and back home before anyone noticed I was gone.

After everyone left I went out and got my supplies it was pretty simple and I came home shortly. Now the hard part is going to platform 9 3/4.

My plan was to sneak out in the early morning hours with all my stuff and start walking to the platform. I quickly packed everything up and quietly left.

All of my robes and supplies fit in one trunk, along with cinnamon's cage, cinnamon is my bunny, she's probably the reason I was still sane.

I quickly unlocked the door and went outside into the pitch black night. I walked down the street for a couple of minutes before I realized I was lost.

I sat down under a street light and I was going to cry. I didn't know how to get to the platform. Cinnamon saw that and came up to comfort me.

That's when the light began to Flicker on and off. And a bus pulled up in front of me. A man started talking to me "Welcome to the night bus, a bus for the stranded witch or wizard. My name is Stan and I will be your conductor for tonight."

I quickly got on the bus. He grabbed my trunk as I got on cinnamon and was cuddling into my arms. There were beds on the bus and the guy came back on.

He gave me my ticket and then the bus took off. I stumbled back on to a bed. The drive was crazy. We eventually arrived at the station at 7.

I got my trunk on a trolly to push my cart. I went to the wall around 8. Last year I had my Parents watching me to make sure I got on safely, Now I stand alone.

I ran straight into the wall and came out the other side with a smile. I was going home!

A Free Spirit: Weasley Twins x reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang