Chapter 42: Reasons

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:I'm super tired today because of work for the whole week but I want to make everyone happy with this update. love yah sweeties.

:happy reading



"You're a psycho Gu Yang!!""

"You have to choose either be with me and let Gu Hai live or go and I will surely make Gu Hai leave this world forever." Gu Yang threatens Bai LouYin.

"You can't threaten me Gu Yang!!! You're insane!!" Bai LouYin scolds Gu Yang who is leaving him alone in the room.

*****flashback of Gu Yang

Gu Yang for the longest time still wants Bai LouYin. He was smitten by Bai LouYin's charm since the day he saw him. That time that Bai LouYin agreed to his conditions he felt happier than ever but feel so dumbfounded when Gu Hai paid for what he is supposed to lure Bai LouYin. He still feels this longing for Bai LouYin even though he knew that he is in Gu Hai's hand already and they love each other.

He keeps a low key mode all this time to find the right timing but one day he learned that Bai LouYin leaves and nowhere to be found. When Bai LouYin came back he is ready to tell Bai LouYin what he really felt but he was told that two were already engaged and they will have a party for it. He plans so well that Bai LouYin cannot reach the venue and kidnapped him on the way. He instructed his men to bring Bai LouYin in this place because no one knows this place even his family.

Bai LouYin is right that he is insane but that's because... he felt so in love with Bai LouYin that he cannot accept to see him with Gu Hai or anyone. With Liu Chong, he also like the guy because of his charm and wants him too for himself. That's why he keeps him also in this place so he can have someone to keep him company.


When Liu Chong heard that Gu Yang came, he felt nervous again. Though he knew that Gu Yang might have come back because of Bai LouYin he still fears for himself. Until... the door in his room opens and the devil came in.

The next thing happens is already what is in Liu Chong's mind. Gu Yang walk closer to him and for the countless of times, he is being used again by Gu Yang.

He cried for mercy countless of times but he is weak. He cannot fight back because it will be useless. So he just keeps his eyes close as always every time Gu Yang touches him, kisses him, caresses his body and do things that he doesn't want or even like. He just prays that one day he will be free again from this demon.

The next morning, Liu Chong in nakedness wake up and get dressed to prepare their breakfast. He sent food again to Bai LouYin.

When Bai LouYin noticed the marks on Liu Chong's body he felt sorry and give Liu Chong a tight hug. "Don't worry we will escape from here."

"I already tried that countless of times but I am still disappointed." Liu Chong utters.

"If we can't escape here with our strength then someone might save us soon. Gu Hai will be here in no time and will make us free from that evil."

*******Days passed by

Gu Hai and Bai HanQi with Gu WeiTing make all they can do to look for Bai LouYin but it always disappoints them. They are even waiting for a call if ever the kidnappers will ask for money but they did not even receive a thing. It's almost a week already and they don't have any good news about Bai LouYin's whereabouts.

YuChang and YangMeng is always there to console everyone and trying to lift everyone's mood. "Yinzi will came back. Let's just pray that he is safe and not sick." They know that Bai LouYin can easily get sick and they are worried that the kidnappers might have bring Yinzi in a dirty place which will make him get sick.

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