I'll hug you to death

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(Yep, this is gonna be sad as fuck.)

(Tommy and Tubbo meet up secretly and make a pact with each other, both knowing they are both at their breaking points.)

Trigger warning: talk of suicide, depressing thought and actions, character death (two)


"Tommy, up here." A voice called from the tree. The young blonde looked up and smiled at his best friend. His friend reached his hand out and the younger took it, pulling him up with help.

Tommy sat on the same branch as Tubbo, both staring at each other. Tubbo held a daisy in his hand that he had picked from the field, twirling it with his fingers. Tommy looked out over his new home, after months of being exiled, he made the decision to stay. He liked it here.

"You know," Tubbo spoke. "We don't have to do this until you're ready. We can wait."

"No, I'm ready. Are you?" He turned to look at his friend who was staring at the field.

"I am." Tommy grabbed his hand, making Tubbo turn back to him and smile. Tommy looked down.

"I'm sorry." Tommy whispered, his voice was so quiet that Tubbo barely was able to hear it. But we did.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, Toms," Tubbo said, placing a hand on Tommy's face, guiding it back up to their eyes could meet. "We made this together. I'm ready. I've been ready for awhile now. I stayed because of you."

Tommy smiled, "Thank you."

Tubbo smiled back, "You're my best friend. I would do anything for you."


The two boys starred at the lava as it bubbled and popped below them. Tubbo was starting to feel a bit negative, he did want to go through with it, but the lava was very  intimidating to the boy.

He grabbed his friend hand tightly, looking for comfort. Tommy smiled at him, "It's gonna be okay."

Tubbo looked up at his friend, "Can you hold me on the way down?"

"Of course."

They stood there for another moment, thinking. A note laid on the pedestal next to the two, letting the others know what would soon happen. Tommy eventually sighed and looked up from the lava and at Tubbo.

"Are you ready, Big Man?" He asked.

Tubbo exhaled, "Yes."

Tommy opened up his arms, stretching them out for his friend. The shorter gladly crashed against his chest. He snuggled into Tommy's shoulder as he wrapped his arms around him. Tommy closed his arms, holding the other tight.

"Hey Toms?" Tubbo asked.


"I love you."

"I love you too." Tommy said, pressing a kiss to his best friend's hair. They grabbed tightly onto each other, not wanting to let go. Tommy exhaled, and lend backwards.

And they fell together.


Hello everyone.

I hope you all are doing well, sorry this chapter broke your heart.

For those who don't fully understand what was going on here, I'll explain. Tommy and Tubbo made a suicide pact, meaning that they both wanted to die together. So they left a note, and fell into the lava together.

So, yea.

Forgive me if updates are great this next week or so. I've been having a rough time mentality so I appreciate your patience with me. I'll do my best to get out what I can.

I love you!



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