Chapter 17: Tattoos

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We decided to stay the night in the motel room we had checked out. We had paid using the credit card we'd had when Marcey was with us this time so the demon could find us. We hadn't really planned on sleeping there but seeing as it was paid for and we all hadn't slept well in a while we decided to stay the night in it. We had only gotten 1 room with 2 beds and a couch but we figured we'd check out another one later.

Plus we didn't have anything to hunt at the moment. My dreams had been about Marcey's demon lately. Now that was checked off the list nothing left. It didn't matter I was sure I would have another nightmare prophecy to keep me up tonight too.

"First things first," I said snapping out of my thoughts and back to reality "we're all back now and we can't let anyone get possessed by a demon again."

"YES!" Marcey smiled as the boys looked confused.

:::time skip brought to you by Drapple (Draco<3Apple):::

We walked out of the shop examining the tattoos we had gotten.

Anti possession tattoos just like on the show. They honestly looked really really cool. We had all gotten them on our shoulders. Easy to hide there.

"You guys hungry?" I asked waving our stolen credit card.

We did a lot of things. We ate lunch. Marcey got a pixie cut. She always wanted one and her face was all over the news now. Then we went to see a movie. We wandered aimlessly for a while.

Then we went back to the motel. Something felt off but I ignored it. I opened the door and walked in.

"Hands where I can see them now!" There were several people in police uniforms and bullet proof vests pointing guns at us. I took a step back quickly and closed the door on my friends who still hadn't come inside.

"Go I'll find you guys." I said through the door.

"Maria we're not leaving!"

"It's just some cops I'll be fine."

"What if they aren't cops?"

"Christo" I said.


" Open the door or we will shoot." Said one of the police.

"They're just people I promise I will be fine you guys go."

"OPEN THE DOOR." The cop then walked straight at me with the gun. He had a gun and although I didn't want my friends arrested it wouldn't kill them, and being shot might kill me. I stepped to the side while the officer opened the door.

I had a hand gun in my pocket but there wasn't a way to get to it without being noticed. Plus this was a human person. I couldn't shoot him.

He opened the door. I was relieved to see my friends were not standing behind it.

Great just me.

:::Time skip brought to you by insane!Cas chasing a bumblebee:::

So I was in an interrogation room.

"Maria, right?" The police man asked. Turned out he was actually a detective. "That's what your buddies called you."

I just sat there silently in my chair.

I am not going to tell him anything.

"You checked out a room last night with a stolen credit card and then went on a shopping spree with it." So that's what I'm arrested for? I had a few possibilities in my head. Credit card theft probably one of the less serious crimes. "And we found 3 other credit cards not belonging to you in your motel room. And I believe this is a picture of you and your friends robbing a gun store." Ok maybe this was worse then I thought.

That was definitely us in a blurry security camera picture. He placed more pictures on the table.

"And Home Depot, you stole a drill? Grave desecration, theft, underage driving, I'm sure the list goes on but this one," he set a picture of Marcey on the table. Demon Marcey at the bank. "This one takes the cake."

Hey peoples!

Yeah so how's she gonna get out?

I sort of had writers block but my brain just kinda puked this one out and voilà!

Well more soon!


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