Chapter 9: Leaving The Motel

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I woke the others and gave them each a granola bar.

"We need to hit the road I found us a job," I told them "there's a ghost 5 hours from here it's killed 3 people. I've packed everything let's go."

They were tired. It was really early. The sun hadn't come up yet.

To be honest I hadn't been able to sleep at all the previous night. I had 'prophecy' nightmares every time I fell asleep.

We all climbed into the car.

"Maria it's 5:30!"

"I just wanted to get an early start," I lied "it's five hours away and I want to get there before dark"

"We're going to get there at 10:30" Said Jason "we couldn't have slept another hour?"

"Quit whining this is the time I would get up for a school day" I replied.

Then it was to quiet.

So I started humming. Like not on purpose. Sort of like subconsciously. I tend to do that.

And then I realized I was humming when Alfie began to sing along VERY loudly and obnoxiously.

20 minutes later we were all singing Tobuscus songs.

Hey peoples!

Sorry this was short.

Or if there are mistakes.

I'm at school right now but you guys are so awesome I managed to write a chapter for you anyway.

I hope y'all are having okay school days right now.

I know you're not I mean it's school.

I'm sorry I couldn't update yesterday my mom made me go shopping :'(

And updates may be less frequent now.

I mean I don't have a life but I have school.

But maybe I can keep it up.

I managed today :)


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