Chapter 20: The Bunker

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Just let me sleep I thought drowsily. My leg hurts.

Then it all came back to me.

My eyes flashed open as I reached for my gun.

It wasn't there.

I looked around I was in a chair at a wooden table where I had had my head on the table asleep. Well no I was awake, but the point is I had been sleeping with my head on a table.

Everything looked oddly familiar. There were other tables. They each had a lamp on them. There were a lot of bookshelves. Other chairs. There were swords and odd looking things on top of some of the bookshelves.

My gun was on the table right in front of me. I picked it up, relieved to at least have my weapon with me. I looked around again.


No no no no.

No way!

Not happening.

Maybe I'm dreaming?

I pinched my arm.

Nope I'm awake...


I'm insane.

I need help.

Maybe it just looks like the bunker?

Yeah that's it. It just looks like The Bunker.

I'm overreacting.

"GUYS?!? HELLO?" I called. No answer. I tried to get up but collapsed on the floor as pain shot up my leg and an itsy bitsy scream may or may not have escaped my face hole.

I looked down at my foot. My entire leg was covered in bandages. I remembered the werewolf attacking me. The sickening crack I had heard.

Great. My first broken leg.

Just what I need.

"Maria?" My friends asked as they ran into the room concern on their faces.

"Don't try to walk on that leg." Marcey said as they helped me back into the chair.

Damn my leg!

"Guys where are we?" I asked.

They didn't respond.

"Guys seriously where the heck are we?"

Why aren't they answering?

And then things got even weirder. Sam and Dean Winchester walked into the room.

"You're awake!" Said Dean.

Right before I pointed my gun at them.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" I screamed completely losing my cool.

Dean and Sam looked as confused and freaked out as I felt.

"Maria they saved our lives!" Ethan tried to grab the gun but I wouldn't let him and I guess he didn't want me to accidentally shoot anyone.

"Ok and did you make sure they're... Umm... Human like not demons?" I asked.

"I-" Dean tried to speak I cut him off.

"Nope don't say anything don't move don't look at eachother don't even think or I swear I will shoot you both between the eyes, hold on and I will get to you in a moment!" His face was honestly priceless and had I not been so confused and freaked out myself I would've laughed.

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