Chapter 43: Wings

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"Marcey you have- are nephilim supposed to have wings?"

"I what?" Marcey fell on the floor.

"MARCEY!" We raced over. "She's still breathing. Alfie what did you do?!?"

"IT WASN'T ME! Why do you always think it's me?"

"Cas! Umm Marcey's eyes started glowing and then she got wings-. . . yeah wings and-and now she's passed out on the floor and we don't know what's going on. Is this normal? . . . . Ok well uh- call us back if you figure it out," Jason hung up "Cas says this isn't normal for a nephilim."

"Well her eyes were angel grace blue and wings are an angel thing!" I held my head in my hands. "Ok let's move Marcey onto the bed."

We may have dropped Marcey on the floor a few times. We did eventually put her on one of the motel beds. Her black wings were at weird angles. It was weird seeing Marcey with wings. Even weirder then seeing Ethan with fangs. Okay maybe not weirder.

"What do we do? I mean we can't take her to a hospital with the . . . wings."

"We just wait it out. We can't do anything." I muttered. Alfie got up grabbed a cup of water and dumped it's contents on Marcey's face. Marcey shot up and punched him in the arm.

"What was that for?!"

"You got me wet!"

"Marcey how are you feeling?" I asked.

"Better." She looked at her wing. Then she poked it. "I don't think I'm supposed to have wings."

"Cas said you aren't." I agreed. Her wings moved.

"This means I can fly." Marcey grinned evilly.

:::Time skip brought to you by Tigger the Tiger:::

We were in a field watching Marcey's attempts to fly. According to Marcey this was "harder then it looked." She was flapping her wings wildly and jumping. She would try to get a running start but that didn't work either.

"Marcey! Suns coming up you can't be flapping your wings in broad daylight!"

"Okay" she stopped and her wings folded in behind her. She walked over to us.

"How'd you do that?" Ethan asked.

"Do what?"

"Your wings kinda just disappeared," Ethan said. I looked at Marcey's back. Sure enough, her wings were gone.

"I don't know. . . ."

"This is a little freaky," I said.

"Maria you can see the future. Ethan is a werewolf. Alfie knows how to cast spells," Marcey listed. "I'm freaking you out?"

"It's not you," I clarified. "It's your magic disappearing bird wings that are freaking me out."

"Fair enough."

Hey peoples!

No cliffhanger this time. Don't want to kill you.

Actually your fanpeople I'm sure you're use to it by now. . . .


More soon!


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