Chapter 61: Evil suit guy

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We drove to the creepy farm place where Peter Holloway lived.

We got out of the car.

"The house is a lot smaller than the barn so if I take one person and we check out the house and the rest of you go to the barn?" Suggested Sam.

"I'll go with Sam," I said.

"Okay if we don't find anything we all meet back here," Sam said. And so Sam and I went to the super-creepy-house while Marcey, Ethan, Jason, Alfie and Cas went to the super-creepy-barn.

It looked nicer on the inside. Slightly. Then a floor-board cracked in half under Sam's foot. He did not lose his shoe. Though a tiny bit of fangirl me may have wished he had.

There was a creaking noise and we both turned around. There was nothing there. Then the room went black and Sam yelled something I couldn't quite hear.

:::Time skip brought to you by Scooby Dooby Doo:::

"Maria!" Sam was whisper-yelling at me.

"Sam what happened?" I asked. I was sitting in a chair. I decided to move, however I was unable to follow through with this decision due to the fact I was tied to the chair. Sam was also tied to a chair.

"We got attacked from behind," Sam explained. "Can you get your ropes loose?"

"No," I whispered back. "Can you?" Then a guy with a sword walked into the room. He was wearing a suit. People in suits annoy me.

"Huh," Sam said. "You must be Holloway."

Go figure.

"For the last 50 years or so, yes," suit-man said. "Before that, I was a Jenkins. And before that, a Miller. My real name is Tamiel. I'm a Grigori. A watcher angel."

"Since when do angels feed on humans?" Sam asked.

"Since the dawn of man," said Tamiel.

"What are you talking about?" Sam asked.

"Your souls . . . Are little slices of heaven that are, if properly kept, delicious meals that can last for years, decades even."

"EWWW!" I yelled very maturely.

"You're not an angel. You're a monster," Sam said.

"Ahh.I prefer to think of myself as a gourmand. I make heaven a place on earth. Keeps me alive and hidden from the rest of the failures that call themselves angels."

"Oh, they are failures?" Sam scoffed. "Yeah, 'cause you're living so large in your own life."

Tamiel dramatically pointed his sword at Sam. "There were hundreds of us, but now . . . Each of our names inscribed on our swords. A brotherhood of perfectly crafted, engineered beings sent to protect you pathetic, bottom-feeding disasters."

"Congratulations," I said. "That's brilliant, would you like a freakin cookie?"

"Oh yeah you're funny kid, but I'm the one who just captured a hunter and a prophet."

"Yeah great job you snuck up on us from behind and knocked out a guy and a fifteen year old girl. Complete baddassery. Now what are you gonna do?"

"Kill you."

"Yeah when exactly? Seriously you don't stop talking I'll do it myself."

"As soon as I find your other friend."

"What other friend?" I asked with fake confusion.

"Ronnie told me there were two men posing as FBI in the bar."

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