Chapter 38: Starlight Cannery

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I woke up. Something felt off. I couldn't really put my finger on it though. I looked in the back seat. I didn't really need to though, the boys' loud snores were evidence they were perfectly fine. Marcey was still driving to the sound of heavy metal music. I glanced at the clock.

"Jeez Marcey it's 5:45 the sun'll come up soon!"

"Seriously?" she looked at the clock "wow."

"Yeah, you need some sleep."

Marcey pulled over and we switched places.

As Marcey sat down in the passenger seat she moved the tablet, which I had carelessly placed on the floor to the back.

I didn't have any dreams last night. . . .

Well Kevin didn't have freaky dream problems right? Maybe it's because he had the tablet.

Or he kept it from his friends just like you're doing right now.

Shut up.

I turned off Marcey's heavy metal music and drove in silence.

:::Time skip brought to you by a myopic chihuahua named Gus :::

I turned the volume all the way up before pressing the on button on the radio and covering my ears very quickly. Heavy metal music blared through the car awakening my friends with cries of pain. Well not Marcey. Marcey just reached rolled her eyes and turned it off, not bothering to try to cover her ears.

"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Ethan was still covering his ears "I HAVE WEREWOLF HEARING!"

"I hate you." Alfie notified me.

Jason was looking at me with his death glare. It was a but unsettling.

"I'm used to it," Marcey shrugged "My brother always listened to that loud."

"C'mon we're getting motel rooms."

It was nice to have the credit cards the Winchesters had gotten for us. No one would report them stolen at least. Yes there was fraud here but that would take much longer to realize then theft.

We got two motel rooms and went and sat in one of them. This one smelled like cigaret smoke and there was a hole busted in the wall. I looked over the tablet.

"Guys this really just looks like gibberish to you?" I asked.

"Yup. You can read it though?" asked Alfie.

"Yeah it looks like English, but I think it's melting my brain," I stated.

"Then don't read it," Alfie said.

"But there might be something in here to help Dean." I sighed.

"Maybe we should take it back to the bunker," suggested Ethan "I mean aren't those demons going to be kinda upset that now they don't have a prophet or the tablet."

"Yes very upset and they'll come and find us and I'm going to kill the demons responsible for ruining our lives." I said.

"Okay then. . . ."

"Maria," laughed Marcey "I think your scaring them."

"Yes," I agreed "now go find us something to kill while I translate the ancient words of Metadouche."

"But what if I don't want to?" whined Alfie. Marcey and Jason grabbed his arms and dragged him away.

:::Time skip brought to you by the Cyber Teddies (fear them):::

I was still looking through the tablet. I could usually read things really quickly, but those were typically things that were interesting and in English. The tablet was difficult to see. If I concentrated on it it was English, but, as Kevin once said, it was "like trying to look through someone else's glasses". It made my head hurt.

I had found the bit about the trials to close hell.

If Dean let Sam finish these our families would be alive. There would've been no demons to kill them.

"Hey we found something," said Jason. "You okay?"

"Yeah I can't read this shiz," I set the tablet in my duffle bag. "What did y'all find?"

"So this first guy goes to work at Starlight Cannery two weeks ago and he just starts shooting people. Cops killed him," explained Jason "Then about an hour later one of the survivors goes on a stabbing spree at the local mall. A teenage girl, who also happened to be at the mall, blows up her school gym the next day, dying in the explosion. Then there are two other strings of murder like this both starting with guys who work at Starlight Cannery."

"Same Starlight Cannery where a trucker woke up after killing his family in 2011," added Marcey.

"Wait you mean that episode with the worm things?" I asked.

"Khan Worms" said Ethan.

Khan Worms were these things that crawled in people's ears and possessed them leaving behind greenish goo. Electricity kills them though.

"But didn't Sam and Dean kill the only one?"

"Apparently not."

:::Time skip brought to you by a penguin:::

We arrived at Starlight Cannery. In light of recent events the cannery was closed and everyone who worked at or was connected to it in anyway was under investigation. This meant that the cannery was empty for our investigation. Alfie jiggled the door handle.

"It's locked!"

"Well yeah ya turd-blossom, of course it's locked it's a crime scene!"

"Hey I have an idea." Ethan pulled Alfie and me away from the door, and then kicked it.

"You guys do know the window is already shattered from the shooting right?" asked Jason.

"You could've said something before Ethan murdered the door," I said.

"Come on." Marcey pulled us into the building. I held my taser in my right hand and a flashlight in my left hand. We figured the tasers were our best weapon considering the Khan worms hate electricity. Each taser only had one cartridge though. Thing is we couldn't have 1 person possessed by a Khan Worm take us all out using the taser of whoever they were possessing.

"Guys I found a worm." Called Alfie.


Alfie pointed his flashlight at the ground and lifted up his foot. His shoe was dripping with grey-green goo and there was a squished worm on the floor.

"Gross" I said.

"Wait did Alfie just accidentally kill the monster by stepping on it?" asked Jason, just as three more Khan worms were sliding towards us across the floor and I felt something slide into my ear. Then everything went dark.

Hey peoples!

DUN DUN DUN! Cliff hanger.

I still love reading you guys comments. It's fun to see everyone engaged in the story. Voting is great too but it's fun to see actual words.

Should I even write authors notes? I mean I guess you guys choose whether or not you read these. I'll keep doing them. Ignore me if you wish.

I would love to hear what you guys think is going to happen next.

Argh I missed the newest episode cuz I was rock climbing today. And tomorrow my parents won't let me on electronics. . . Other shiz. . . I may not be able to see it till sunday.



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