Chapter 48: Flying Lessons

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Yoski broskis it's Romanos_girl here's a chappy from Marcey

Marcey's p.o.v.

I was so close to stabbing someone! First the wings than Jason being a freaking junkie and than Gabriel appearing out of nowhere. I needed to vent. now was a good chance to use that punching bag Dean put in me and Maria's room.

" Screw this whole mess!" I screamed as I kicked it" screw the Angels! Screw the demon! Screw everything!!" I said as I kicked the punching bag. there was a loud clang as the punching bag hit the floor.

I sighed as I grabbed the bag and a stool. I tried to reattach the bag to the roof. A throat cleared behind me and I turned to see Maria and Cas. "You need help?" Maria said as she leaned against the door.
I shook my head. I tried to get it to stay and than it suddenly fell.

I jumped backward off the stool and somehow ended up sitting in my bed. Cas nodded "I see what you mean by wings." I turned my head to see my wings were unfolded. I folded them back into my back and sighed "Every time I freaking sneeze these things come unfolded!"

Cas rolled his eyes "Than don't sneeze." I glared at him and reached for a knife and threw it. he closed the door so it was stuck in the door. He opened the door and said "It is unwise to throw knives at people who are trying to help you."

I rolled my eyes and flopped down on my bed "What do you mean help? I doth not needth help!"

Maria sighed and said "So you don't want to fly? Or heal people!?!"

I sat up "Okay I'll listen."

~time skip by Dean fighting with a pigeon~

I looked around as we walked towards the emergency room door. "So we are at a hospital why?"

Cas sighed "To learn to heal people. Flying will come later. You need to learn the easier things first."

I rolled my eyes "Fine." As soon as we walked in all these prayers hit my like a cannon shot. I sat in the nearest chair "Holy Chuck!" Cas nodded "Yes I understand. It's quite unnerving."

I stood and nodded "Okay wh-" I stopped as a very strong sounding prayer hit me. 'Um if anyone is listening, please I need your help. its my wife. she's been in a coma for about a month and she's pregnant. she didn't deserve this! I swear! She and the baby deserve to live! And I could never live knowing my wife is here in this hospital. Please someone help her.'

I looked around and said "Room 254 comatose level 4." he nodded and grabbed my arm and suddenly we we're in the woman's hospital room. I looked at her chart "Melissa Groves. Age: 26 State of health: concussion and coma. her chart said she was hit head on by a drunk driver. she swerved her car to protect the 2 year old in the back seat."

It also said she was 16 weeks pregnant. "She's four months along." Cas looked at me confused "Along?" I nodded "Yes four months of her ten month pregnancy. It's never mine months that's a old wives tale to encourage girls to have kids."

I placed her chart down and said "Okay how do I do this?"

He sighed "You have focus in on the problem and than will for it to be healed. do not get distracted." I nodded and placed my hand on her's.

My hand began to glow white. and I saw her breathing rate pick up and her heart beat get faster. "She's waking up." Cas looked confused "How do you-"

"Her heart rate. when a human wakes up the heart rate increases to keep oxygen pumping because the body is no longer in a state of rest."

I smiled as Cas asked "How do you know that?"

I sighed "I wanted to go into the military as a medic but I also wanted to be a nurse who worked with children."

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