Chapter 73: When You Are Older

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"When do you think he's going to figure out we didn't tell him the address yet?" I asked.

"This is why I didn't want him to be in the room with us."

"He might've actually not done that if we hadn't pissed him off."

"Well we did and now he wants to take down an army of evil super- scientists by himself. Let's be glad he doesn't know where they live."

"Oi Cas!" I shouted. Cas, who appeared to be having an argument with Joe, turned and walked towards us while Joe was still trying to speak to him.

"What?" Cas asked.

"But why do Marcey and AJ already have their powers?" Joe whined.

"I can't control when you get your powers, it's your genetics!"

"Can't you do an angely thing and get me my powers?"

"I could try dropping you off the Empire State Building prematurely and see if your powers develop in order to prevent you from dying."

Joe scurried back to the fire.

"Really?" Sam sighed.

"Sam, I would not actually drop the child off the Empire State Building. I was threatening him because he was annoying me."

"Yeah okay Cas we went and interrogated Cyrus without Dean so we know where the Stynes live and he doesn't, but now he wants to kill them all by himself."

"That's not good."

"Yeah could you go talk to Dean and calm him down?" I asked.

"Why would I be able to calm him down?"

"Because you didn't make him angry and you're his boyfriend," Sam said.

"Oh yes right," Cas poofed away.

"Okay we need to gather everyone to talk about the Frankenstien thing and make a plan," I said.

"I think we should wait until Destiel is done having wild monkey sex to go anywhere near The Bunker. I don't need to see that."

"Wait they wha- oh okay yeah they probably are. Yeah let's not go in The Bunker," I agreed.

"I should start calling other hunters," Sam said.

"Okay just remember we have a lot of nephilim and a werewolf and Jason has demon blood powers and Cas is an angel and I'm a prophet and Dean has the Mark of Cain so if the Hunter wouldn't be cool with that don't call them. It wouldn't end well."

"My phone is in the Bunker," Sam frowned.

"It's okay let's just-"

"MIKEY?!?" Lucy started screaming very loudly. Sam and I ran towards the screaming. We found Lucy shaking an unconscious Mikey, who now had poofy gold wings.

"Lucy it's fine stop shaking him he'll wake up in a little while he just got his powers now," I told her.

"Well why did that make him pass out!" She screamed.

"Do you have an inside voice?"

"We're outside," she said "and answer the goddam question!"

"No clue you'll have to ask Cas," I said. "We need to get Mikey inside."

"But gay monkeys."

"C'mon Sam they're probably in a room."

"What's going on?" Marcey asked. "Oh Mikey got wings!"

"I think we should put him inside but I can't carry him by myself and Sam's afraid Dean and Cas are doing the frickle frackle in the library."

"What's the frickle frackle?" asked Lucy.

"One of those stupid things grown ups think is fun. Trust me it's gross and boring."

"Tell me!"

"Not now," Marcey said. Sam sat there awkwardly. He apparently didn't know what to do.


"When you're older!" I told her.

"How much older?"

"When you hit puberty."

"What's a puberty?"

"Oh my chuck!"

"Why are you saying Chuck?" asked Sam.


:::Le skip of time brought to you by a hamster eating a tiny burrito:::

Destiel was not in the Bunker creating mpreg nephilims. That's not what happened. Because it didn't. Sam did not ran screaming from the Bunker. Dean did not tried to hide naked blushing Cas with his own naked body. Nothing happened. Castiel did not edit these words.

And then Marcey did not carried Mikey into the Bunker by herself because Sam was not hiding in a corner.

That was not awkward. Because nothing happened.

The good news was Dean didn't really seem mad at us about the whole Cyrus thing anymore.

Hey peoples!

Yeah choose to interpret that as you will. It's your choice. I just needed to write it that way.

The pictures have ceased to have anything to do with my actual book.


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