Chapter 78: So You Kissed?

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"Who is this and what did she do to Marcey's face," I asked. Everyone just got back to the Bunker, there was some girl with them, and Marcey's face was covered in bandaids.

"Wait something happened to Marcey's face?" Ethan asked squinting at the obvious injuries.

"Ethan I swear to god," Marcey took a step towards Ethan, while Aubrey who was right next to him, smacked the back of his head.

"I have no idea who she is," Dean answered my earlier question, "she appeared out of no where, threatened to shoot Charlie, almost got us all killed, and then I found her and Marcey making out by my baby."

"She was bandaging my face!" Marcey and the girl turned bright red.

"Okay guys I really just need the question answered. Can I at least get a name?"

"This is Aubrey," Ethan wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, "Marcey and I met her at boarding school."

"Oh? Oh! Okay, and you guys made out?" I asked.


"Wait is that Ginny?"

"No my real name is Maria, sorry."

"It's interesting that Aubrey doesn't deny the kiss," Dean said.

"Very interesting," I agreed.

"Okay wait who's that?" Lucy pointed at Cinders.

"Cinders," I said. Everyone in the room froze. Mikey shuffled awkwardly.

"Sam didn't say anything?"

"Well we were kinda busy," Sam shrugged "and I forgot."

"Um Cinders was the cat right?" asked Cyrus.

"I have no idea what's happening," Aubrey said.

:::No one needs to record the next three hours of conversation:::

"Well we can do this now," AJ kissed Ethan. Like on the lips.

"No you can't," said Sam.

"They seem perfectly capable," Cas argued.

"So wait why'd you decide to tell Maria?" Mikey asked Cinders.


"I really had to pee," said Cinders, "so I needed to tell her to stop at McDonalds."

"Just like that?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Weirdest conversation I've ever had in my life. 'Who are you and where the hell did you come from' 'I'm your cat and can we do the questions later? I need you to pull up to McDonalds.'"

"Mikey knew though right?" asked Jason. "I mean I thought he was weird for talking to the cat all the time."

"Well obviously it wasn't that weird if she understood," Mikey said. "You just didn't understand what was happening."

"She was on your head," Lucy said. "That's weird."

"I was taller than all of you," Cinders stared at the top of Mikey's head.

:::Time skip brought to you by the fact that your DNA is a fifty percent match to a banana:::

It was a normal family dinner.

Lol no it wasn't what do you think this is?

We were sitting around the library eating burgers Dean made, while searching through suspicious looking news reports for possible ghost murders and such. Cas was trying to show AJ, Marcey and Mikey some new angel thing, Charlie was showing Cinders and Lucy how to use the Internet, Cyrus and Aubrey were arguing some biological fact, and my brother appeared to be levitating a knife over his hand.

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