Chapter 72: Cyrus

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"Sam, where ya goin'?" I shut the door behind me.

"Oh, uh, I was going to go . . . I was going to interrogate Cyrus Styne," Sam said. "I don't want Dean to be involved with the Mark and all I don't know if he can stay . . . calm. Why are you following me?"

"Because you're sneaking around and you're a liar."

"Am not!"

"Well you lied about Ruby, the demon blood thing, Rowena-"

"Okay I see your point, but I can ask the same questions whether Dean is here or not. So does it really matter if Dean is here or not?"

"No," I relented, "but what are you going to tell him after he finds out we interrogated the prisoner without him?"


"Yes, we, I'm the one who put Cyrus in the dungeon in the first place I'm being there."

:::Time skip brought to you by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:::

Cyrus was sleeping in the chair he was chained to. "Morning!" I said, setting a bagel and a glass of water in front of him while Sam unchained him.

"Morning," Cyrus cautiously took the bagel. "You're not going to kill me now are you?"

"Not yet," said Sam. "We have questions first."

"Are you planning on killing me after I answer the questions?"

"It's just questions right now, no killing."

"Ask away I have all the time in the world."

"First off why were you and Eldon here last night?" I asked.

"After Eldon escaped he said he saw all these books and stuff here. He wanted to bring back a lot of magic and information to make up for not killing your friend, Charlie."

"And why did you try to help me instead of attacking me like Eldon?"

"I'm not like my family and I don't want to be. They're evil. Eldon was evil. I hate my family. I didn't want to help kill anyone."

"Why did you come to the Bunker to help steal from us then?" I asked.

"I didn't want to but I didn't have a choice."

"They would kill their own family?"

"No worse. Those who fail or lose usefulness become new lab rats for biological experiments."

"Are there more Stynes coming?" Sam asked.

"We don't usually need back up plans. It depends how much your Bunker was worth to my dad."

"How do we know you're not lying to protect them?" I asked.

"Look," Cyrus then lifted up his shirt. "No stitches, no bioengineering. I'm not 'enhanced'. I don't like killing people. I'm not one of them. Forget about my last name or how I got here. I took a kick to the gut from Eldon to help you because it was the right thing to do. They aren't coming to rescue me, they never cared about me, they would kill me without blinking. You can trust me, even if I'm only doing it for my own safety. I'm not one of them."

"Okay dude put your shirt down," I put my hands between myself and Cyrus as a shield, "this is awkward I'm like eye level with your belly button and you are a stranger."

"Uh, yeah," Cyrus put his shirt.

Sam coughed to destroy the awkward silence, and it was a good thing to do. "Where do the rest of the Stynes live?"


"So we can stop them," Sam said.

"That's crazy they'd kill you all and come find me here!"

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