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We got back to the bunker. The kitchen table was on fire. Mikey was screaming. AJ was trying to put it out with the sink nozzle but it didn't seem to be working. Cinders was sitting there hissing at the flames. A small child was running in circles and waving her arms above her head.

"What the hell is going on?" Marcey asked.

"Oh hi!" AJ waved at us while still spraying the fire. "I found my half sister."

"Welcome to the bunker Lucy!" I said. I ran into the pantry and grabbed the fire extinguisher. I ran back and put the fire out with it. "So how exactly did the table catch on fire?"


"Oh my god she's a cinnamon roll!" yelled Marcey. "Too precious for this world! Come I will make you some toast!"

"Cinnamon roll?" Ethan asked.

"It's a tumblr thing," I said, "so how'd you find Lucy?"

"Well she's our sister so Mikey and I used a blood spell to teleport me to her because we share DNA and then I flew us back here," she explained, "and then she tried to toast a piece of bread over a fire she made on the kitchen table."

"What are we becoming?" Dean asked, "Why do we have eight kids and a cat?"

"I don't know," Sam said.

"Because we're supposed to take over heaven," Marcey said.

"That actually seems pretty pointless right now," I said, "I mean heaven is doing pretty well right now isn't it? Hannah has it under control so if it ain't broke don't fix it right?"

"Well other than the fact they want to kidnap you and take you to the desert," Dean pointed out.

"Well the government wants to take me to prison," I shrugged, "and hell killed my parents, I feel like we have bigger problems than heaven sending me prophecies saying we need to take over heaven."

"Yeah but we still have demons spying on all my cousins," AJ said.

"True," I said, "you have three to go right? Your brother Joe, then Zad and Gabby."

"Yeah we can do another blood spell thingy tomorrow to find Joe," AJ said.

"Okay we have four boys sleeping in the same room," Jason said.

Mikey finally stopped screaming and said, "Joe and I will move into our own room once we find him."

"Wait if you use the blood spell how do you know you won't find Gabe?" I asked, "you and Mikey are both his kids."

"Yeah well my dad doesn't want me to find him apparently," AJ glared at the ceiling, "the spell took a lot of energy and I can't fly now so I'm going to go watch Doctor Who."

"You watch Doctor who!" Ethan exclaimed. "I like you."

"You can watch too c'mon," she said, "and dragged him up the stairs."

"Oh god they're in love," Marcey yelled from the other room.

"They're just watching netflix," I said.

"That's how it starts," Dean said.

"Oh well maybe they won't die alone then," I shrugged.

"Speaking of that," Dean said, "Cas I think we should go somewhere private."

"Why would we . . . ? -Oh yes I think that's a good idea," Cas grabbed Dean's hand and they poofed away.

"At least no one tried to suck off anyone else's face in front of the rest of us," I said.

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