Chapter 84: Kevin Tan

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The network was doing well. It was mostly set up. Charlie and I were calling hunters, organizing them, giving them instructions. The way Charlie managed to find the temporary burner phones of highly paranoid hunters and convince them to conform to our system was impressive to say the least. Cyrus was pulling documents from around the bunker into HQ for reference.

"You sounded older before," grumbled the man I was talking to on the phone.

"That was somebody else. I assure you I know exactly what I'm talking about. Tell me what you need."

"My uh, my cousin and I were hunting some vamps and he got bit."

"Just bitten?" I asked.

"Yeah right on the neck. Can we suck out the venom or something?"

"For someone to turn into a vampire they need to drink vampire blood. Did they get any blood in your cousins mouth?"


"Your both safe then. It's going to be fine. Did you take out the nest?"

"Not yet."

"Okay I'm going to send you some back up. Don't do anything until they get there."

"Alright. We're in-"

"It's cool we'll just track you with the GPS on the phone your calling from." I hung up on him. "Charlie can you find someone near wherever that was. It's a vamp nest and there's one injured." Charlie was at that moment in charge of locating and dispatching hunters, as well as pretending to be FBI. I was answering questions on the phones and finding out about any criminal records the hunters had. Charlie would delete said records later. Cyrus was sorting out books and papers from the bunker library and scanning them into a computer lexicon so that we could access the information easier.

"Guys I found something and I think it's important," said Cyrus.

"How important?" I asked, walking over to where he sat.

"This Kevin Tan dude," said Cyrus. "He was trying to figure out how to close heaven. This . . . Yeah I think he was onto something. I mean it's not complete, and he got some things wrong, definitely not a magic user, but potentially I think this would work."

"Do you mean Tran? Kevin Tran?"

He squinted at the paper. "Yeah why? Do you know who that is?"

"Yeah I do actually. He used to live here."

"Well where is he? We need to talk to this guy."

"He died."


"But afterwards he went back to his moms house."

"Wait what?"

"He's a ghost," I explained. "Or at least he was. Heaven got shut down, so he was stuck in the veil. His mom came and got him from the Bunker. Sam and Dean reopened heaven, but there's a chance he's still a ghost."

"I should just stop being surprised by things," said Cyrus. "Do you think there's anyway we could get Kevin, Me, Alfie, Cas and maybe you into a room and we could try to figure this out?"

"Wait why me?"

"You're the prophet," said Cyrus. "You should be there while we're discussing heaven. Maybe God will have something to say."

"Okay we can give it a shot."

"Charlie are you good in here by yourself?" Cyrus asked.

"I think we need someone to fill in for you two."

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