Chapter 47: The Impenetrable Fortress

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I got on the phone and called Sam a little ways away from the others.

"Hey what's up?"

"We're coming back to the bunker," I answered.

"Did you find the demon?" he asked.


"Is everything okay?" Sam sounded worried.

"Um there were some angels and we're all okay but the bunker has angel warding and Jaso-"

That's when I heard the sirens in the background. At this point I remembered that fire and people being launched through the air isn't exactly the average Tuesday for everyone and it might have attracted some attention. "Sam I have to go I hear sirens and I think someone called the cops on us." I hung up without waiting for a response.

It was too late anyway, a police car pulled into the field. They didn't have any way to know it was us in the field but if they took us down to the police station we probably would end up in jail. Well Juve since we were minors. Our names had been all over the news and we were most likely on the FBI most wanted list right now.

We ran. "Alfie? Jason? Now would be a really good time to create a wall of fire or something."

"Well I don't really feel like burning a police officer alive," Jason answered "we should probably come up with a different plan."

"Run in different directions that way only one of us gets caught." I said "we meet back up at the motel room after this. Anybody gets busted we find them and rescue them." We ran in five different directions.

The police officer was chasing me of all people. Probably the only one without magic that would enable me to escape. She was yelling at me but I couldn't hear much of it. I felt bad for her. I mean of course I didn't want to get caught but she thought he was chasing some crazy. . . . Wait what did we even do? Trespassing? Gosh shes fast. Whys there only one cop? I took out my gun from my pocket.

No I wasn't going to shoot her.

Okay I was totally going to shoot her but not fatally.

I shot her leg. She stumbled a bit then kept running. Okay not human. Bad very very bad. Suddenly she was right next to me. I took a few steps back.

"You sent me back to hell," the cop said.


"You don't even remember?" She feigned offense. "Maybe Marcey remembers me. We had so much fun together."

"Oh yeah you," the demon who possessed Marcey and the reason we had to run from police cars at all.

"Oh so she does remember," the demon mocked.

"Yeah no one could forget a stupid bitch like you."

"Shut up," she snarled.

I took out the angel blade and tried to stab her with it, but she grabbed my wrist and we teleported to some room I had never seen before. She yanked the blade out of my hand. There, sitting on the desk, was the demon tablet which was previously in the car. Leaning against the desk was the demon who killed my parents.

"Hello Maria," he was smirking.

"Hey fugly," I smiled back. "You broke into my car?"

"Demons can teleport. You didn't put any kind of warding on your car it was easy to get in. Your car is fine it's you you should be worrying about."

"No you need me to translate that tablet, and if you killed me I wouldn't be able to translate it now would I?"

"Well you better get to translating then," said the Cop/demon.

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