Chapter 80: Bobbi and Kevin

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I knocked on the door, and lucky for me Garth answered it. "Garth! I'm Maria I'm a hunter and a friend of the Winchesters," I began.

Problem is Garth is talkative. "Oh I know them! You're a little young to be a hunter. Are Sam and Dean here? Did something happen? Did-"

"My friend Ethan is hurt and he's also a hunter but he's also a wer- I mean lycanthrope like you and he keeps turning so we couldn't take him to the hospital."

The smile left Garth's face. "Where is he?"

"He's in the car," I said. Garth ran towards the car in a goofy way that would've been amusing if my friends weren't passed out and possibly dying. I heard screaming coming from the car, and we ran faster if that was possible.

I opened the car door to find AJ screaming, and swatting at the air.

"Oh my god kill it! Kill it! We're all going to die!" wailed Aubrey.

There was a bee, flying around the car. AJ and Aubrey were obviously a bit stressed at the moment.

:::Time skip brought to you by Tumblr:::

Hunter medical attention usually consists of dental floss, sewing needles, improvised shirt bandages, and the kind of alcohol meant for drinking.

Suburban werewolf medical attention consists of dental floss, aspirin, sewing needles, actual bandages, and rubbing alcohol. Garth gave Ethan his dental floss stitches, being more experienced and all. We assessed Marcey's head injury and consulted Cas on angelic injuries, and he told us she would be awake sometime within the next four hours. We put Marcey and Ethan in the guest rooms before finally sitting down and holding ice packs to the minor scrapes and bruises we had acquired during the fight.

"What were y'all hunting?" Garth asked, sitting on the couch across from me.

"An angel named Kushiel," I said.

"He was killing people a town over," Aubrey explained. "We overestimated our own abilities, but we got the job done."

"Where are Sam and Dean?"

"There was another case related to this one. They went to check it out. I told Cas to call them and tell them we're okay. Sorry for just showing up here and all the panicking . . . . and that bee thing."

"I still don't understand how it got in the car," muttered AJ.

"Bees are scary," Garth said sympathetically. Someone knocked softly on the door. Garth got up and opened it. A minute later he came back, carrying several bags. His wife came through and went upstairs carrying two small children. They looked about the same age, not more than a year old, a girl and a boy. The boy was fast asleep, but the girl was sucking on her thumb and looking at us curiously. Garth soon followed.

"Um Maria," Aubrey whispered.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"Who are these people?"

"Oh, uh Garth used to be a hunter, then a werewolf bit him, his wife Bess was born a werewolf and she stopped him from killing himself. They eat animal hearts. Also we should use the word 'lycanthrope' not werewolf."

"You can be born a werewolf?" asked Aubrey.

"Yeah, most of the werewolves in this pack were born to it. It's fine though, Sam and Dean checked it out-" Garth and Bess came down the stairs, Garth was holding the little girl. The little girl had a sock puppet clenched in her tiny fist, and was using it to hit the stair railing. When they got to the couch, she hit the closest thing she could find with the puppet. The closest thing she could find was AJ.

"Bobbi!" Garth scolded and took the puppet. "Mr. Fizzles is not for hitting." Bobbi threw Mr. Fizzles and screeched happily.

"Garth she's going to wake Kevin," Bess warned. "Then we'll have two screaming children."

"I'm going to take her for a drive to calm her down. Does anyone want to come?"


We declined, we needed to stay near Ethan and Marcey, and Bess said she wasn't going to leave little Kevin with a bunch of teenagers. We were sitting on the couches, with Aubrey and Bess sitting as far from each other as possible without moving the furniture.

I was trying to make conversation, but that wasn't exactly one of my strong points. "So you uh, did you pick these couches?" I asked.

"Yes," Bess put on a fake smile. "Garth and I did. We bought them at IKEA."

"That's cool," I said. Last time I had been in an IKEA was with my mom, before she died horribly. I needed to steer the conversation in a different direction.

"Where the fuck am I?" yelled Marcey from up stairs. Bess looked shocked, Kevin woke up and began crying, I was just relieved I wouldn't have to talk about IKEA.


Hey People's!

This book reached 7K reads and that's really really amazing. I've been writing this for like a year and three months and I can believe people are still reading this and I love you guys! Thank you so much!

Schools been nuts so this Chappy is a little short, but you know I figured it was better than Ethan and Marcey half dead and passed out in the back of the car.

I couldn't resist with the kids and the names. I kinda geeked out writing that. Hope you guys loved it too.

Well that's all for now,


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