Chapter 54: When Life Gives You Lemons

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"Okay, I got a pretty good look at his tattoo. It's something like this." She walked over to the box where Dean and the FreakSquad (besides Marcey) and handed Dean a drawing.

"The douche clan. Got it. Well, this is everything Men of Letters had on occult families, so there should be something in here." said Dean.

"Sam, got anything?" asked Charlie.

"Maybe. Uh, yeah, it's all in an obscure Sumerian dialect. Actually found a rough match for it in this book."

"Great," said Charlie.

"I thought so, too.But I've been translating, but none of the translated words make any sense.It's all just gibberish.I mean, maybe it's in a different dialect?"

Charlie took the book from Sam. "No, no, no.You're right, but I-I-I think...I think this is in code."

"An entire book of unreadable text that's also in code. Great." Sam said sarcastically.

"And you call yourselves nerds," said Dean. "Come on. You got this."

Sam scoffed.

"He's right. Let's get our Allen Turing on. Decrypt this bitch." said Charlie.

"I think I'll help with the book actually," I said.

"You sure?"

"I'm a nerd too," I laughed. "and I'm a prophet. I was literally born to translate things."

After a few minutes I noticed Dean staring at the book. Sam must've noticed too because he said "You know what? Why, uh... Um, why don't we stick with my notes for a little bit? This book is literally making my eyes hurt." and put the book back in the box.


"Okay, even the Bletchley Circle couldn't crack this thing. I've tried every cryptographic algorithm there is. Goose egg."

"It's worse than school," I muttered.

"Well, maybe that's not such a bad thing. Those people following you...Hmm?" Dean held up the tattoo drawing. "All kinds of wrong. Talking multi-generational, centuries-old wrong. The Styne family. Men of Letters' files have them dated back to the early 1800s. They used spells to create disease, to destabilize markets. Hell, they even helped the Nazis before they came into power, and they profited from all of it."

"So, they're like the supernatural Du Ponts?" asked Charlie.

"Basically. All the spells they used came from a book of "Unspeakable Evil," which they lost nearly 100 years ago." He got up and walked across the room.

"Okay, so they're bad. So what? We faced worse," said Sam.

"Sam, read the file. The way the book works is when you use it, there is a negative reaction. I'm talking biblical negative. Dark magic always comes with a price.We know that. We've been down that road before." Dean walked back over holding a drink.

"Well, let's at least translate it, see what it says." said Charlie.

"It can't hurt to just translate it," said Ethan. "That doesn't mean we have to use the spell."

"You guys don't understand," said Dean. "The book's been calling out to me ever since I laid eyes on it, okay? Calling out to the Mark. I can hear it like it's alive. It wants me to use it, but not for good. Look, I wanted it to be the answer, too, okay? I really did. But we have got to get rid of that. Burn it, bury it, I don't give a damn. We'll just have to find another way to fix the Mark."

"Like what?" asked Sam.

"I don't know." said Dean.

"So, you're giving up?" asked Charlie.

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